A Page One story Monday about the state's water management districts assessing conservation properties mistakenly attributed a quote near the end of the story to Theresa Monson, spokeswoman for the St. Johns River Water Management District. The sentence should have been attributed to Sarah Owen Gledhill of the Florida Wildlife Federation. The statement should have said: "Gledhill jobs at hilton hotels says 'she'll rally the troops' to get people to attend the upcoming public meetings.
"Don't blame the districts (for initiating this survey). jobs at hilton hotels They're jobs at hilton hotels only following a directive they've been given by Tallahassee. Let's see the (surplus) lists before we jump the gun. Revenues raised from the sale (of these properties) will go back into buying new conservation lands."
Florida's five water management districts have been ordered by Gov. Rick Scott to evaluate the state's 9.9 million acres of protected and conservation lands and determine which properties might be unnecessary and declared surplus.
"We are not at this point selling land," Monson said. "Our focus is water resource protection. We do own some parcels that are difficult to manage and some that have very little water resource value."
"It's setting a tone," he said. "Already, Flagler and Volusia counties are reassessing their open space lands. (Selling these properties) should not be a revenue stream. Where do you stop with this?"
News stories jobs at hilton hotels during the past year indicate that from the moment Scott took office, he has attempted to scale back the powers of the state's water management districts. jobs at hilton hotels He has slashed jobs at hilton hotels district budgets, capped salaries, pushed for layoffs, eliminated all five executive directors and frozen land purchases.
The St. Johns River district's 18 counties contain just a fraction of the total number of acres conserved. Many properties were purchased under the Florida Forever program, started in 2001 to protect the state's waterways from development, destruction or exploitation.
"Don't blame the districts (for initiating this survey)," Gledhill continued. "They're only following a directive they've been given by Tallahassee. Let's see the (surplus) lists before we jump the gun. Revenues raised from the sale (of these properties) will go back into buying new conservation lands."
How did they get dragged into this issue? The St. Johns River Water Management Districts needed to be brought under control. Their excessive taxing of the citizens of Florida was becoming flagrant and their waste of taxpayers funds was legendary. Why did they need to purchase, use and maintain their own airplanes at extremely high costs to the taxpayer? Their use of "contract" jobs at hilton hotels employees was also highly jobs at hilton hotels suspicious. Now the governor is simply asking for a list of acquired jobs at hilton hotels lands that they do not need to protect Florida's waterways. The state's holding and management of unneeded land is expensive and should be examined. As Theresa Monson said, "Revenues raised from the sale will go back into buying new conservation lands". So what is David Wiles so upset about? He, after all, lives in a house on Crescent Beach and dumps his household sewage into a septic tank located in a sand dune only yards from the beach.
Our natural Florida environment is a terrible thing that must be stopped in our lifetime! Clean air and water are for liberal pansies who want to surrender to the terrorists and let them take us over. I mean really, why do we need to conserve anything jobs at hilton hotels or make sure our water is safe or that we'll have any water at all? Let's just sell off all of the land to developers and build houses jobs at hilton hotels that will increase the inventory of unsold homes that we desperately need. That's the way God intended it and we can't let these heathen liberals trample all over biblical prophecy! Clean air and water and undeveloped green space is all part of the liberal/gay agenda to turn us all gay. God gave us this earth to rape and pillage and destroy for future generations. Why can't people just understand that?
How about lets just stop this right now. Those lands don't need to be managed. They were doing fine before we all got here, and if Voldemort can be kept from selling them out....they will be fine long after we have managed to take ourselves out of the planetary gene pool.
The budget problems in this state is a short term issue. Land conservation is an extremely long term issue. Selling land to remedy a budget jobs at hilton hotels shortfall is a ridiculous suggestion. jobs at hilton hotels "Revenues raised from the sale will go back into buying new conservation lands". Right, at the speed of government, the land will be sold now at a loss, and then years later new land will be purchased at a much higher price. Resulting in a net loss.
Peter Guinta does a good job with another very complex story. My comments in the article jobs at hilton hotels were to note that, while the area-level water management districts are going through the process of public hearings about possible 'surplus lands,' jobs at hilton hotels there is a larger mobilization throughout jobs at hilton hotels the state to put what was once believed as protected lands (especially those bought by public trust funds) on the market. I was trying jobs at hilton hotels to say to St. Johns elected officials and citizens that local coastal county governments (Flagler and Volusia) are currently reevaluating jobs at hilton hotels their 'open lands' jobs at hilton hotels for possible sale and I would hope our municipality would be very aware that zoning classifications such as Parks, Open Space, Silviculture, Conservation could all be potential 'surplus' public lands.
jobs at hilton hotels Similarly, every Development of Regional Impact approved in the past decade gave special arguments for their set aside and 'quality of life' protection of conservation and wetlands. I would hope the statewide cascade jobs at hilton hotels mobilization of attempting to refind a 'surplus' in current jobs at hilton hotels lands would have our municipality scrutinizing Major Modification applications and turning those down that are done for 'surplus' economic rationalization. Most of all, any parcel ( whether contiguous to the latest jobs at hilton hotels zoning readjustment or not) within St. Johns that was acquired as the result of a 'wetland mitigation' for exchanged development rights or bought with public trust funds (Florida Forever) should be honored as a sacred commitment to Quality of Life criteria within the land use code. Trying to rationalize nature lands as 'surplus' because they are 'unmanageable' ignores concepts of pristine and wilderness that do not need to be 'domesticated' or 'cultivated' like a garden (with or without religious exhortations)--- and 'public use' does not need to apply to every inch of designated parcels (even parks).
In terms of the state politics about surplusing lands and what the public hearings of the SJRWMD mean, let us go back to some first premises of 2012 Florida economics. As much of St. Johns and Florida jobs at hilton hotels politics claims a 'fiscal conservative' identity it seems particularly important to distinguish where the honest 'free market' tenets of Milton Friedman depart from the current disneyfied, tammany based trough feeding that attempts to pass for new age economics.
The honest market model imagines both 'supply' and 'demand' as natural dynamics that are in balance due to consumer jobs at hilton hotels preferences about available goods at any given moment. The Florida version, best illustrated during this past decade of mega development frenzy, followed by supersaturated market bust, rationalizes and manipulates runaway 'supply' as built it, they will come dreams of inevitable and ever expanding jobs at hilton hotels 'growth' and 'demand' as equally manufactured consumer needs shaped by advertising and influence. There is no talk of 'natural balance' jobs at hilton hotels or 'steady state' jobs at hilton hotels but rather in-fill' all zoning at the highest development rights and to pancake one set of mega development assertions on top of one another as inevitable NE Florida urbanization(destroying the credibility of each and thus describing 'sprawl')
From 2000 to 2006 the result of this ideological rationalization found local governments throughout Florida Amending their Comprehensive Plans and Future Land Use estimates to make a pretense at 'growth management' and legal constraint on market dynamics. The huge bust of 2007 was inevitable as the economic jobs at hilton hotels underpins for a half decade were fantasy and greed. Unfortunately jobs at hilton hotels for Florida, jobs at hilton hotels from 2008 to 2012 the same legislative politicians and executive forces in state government that created the 2000-2006 jobs at hilton hotels disaster have worked to change laws, create bureaucracies and establish a whole new form of Orwellian New Speak language to cover their tracks.
In 2010 and 2011 the actual laws of the state were changed so that the abundance of local government Amendments done in the effort to have economic credibility ( arguments for 'concurrency' and 'need') were deemed legally superfluous. State-level agencies responsible for over sight of 'growth management' aspects of land use decisions were either eliminated ( Department of Community Affairs) or purged (Department of Environmental Protection) of those not 'on board' the New Age economics. Governor Rick Scott rode into office on this most recent wave and quickly moved to create a state level monolith beneath the Executive on one hand (Department of Economic Opportunity) and, simultaneously, wiped out any possible governmental opposition at area, county and city levels of government.
jobs at hilton hotels In the past two years every Water Management District, every County and every City in Florida have been on a fiscal starvation diet. In the past two year the entire public service sector (from Corrections to Health, to Higher and k12 Education) have been on a fiscal jobs at hilton hotels starvation diet. During this time the governor and state legislature have mouthed platitudes about 'jobs creation' from 'global jobs at hilton hotels corporate' and 'foreign nation-state' interests; the citizens and taxpayers jobs at hilton hotels of Florida have heard much about 'privatized' business operations jobs at hilton hotels and 'outsourced' business as the salvation to Florida's economic future.
Governor jobs at hilton hotels Rick Scott and his ilk seem to have discovered the language of Frederick Taylor and are now trying to use the 1920
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