This past Friday night, I went on a ghost tour. This particular tour was given by the company Houston Ghost Tour . About three months ago my sister bought a special deal through Groupon or Living Social for the tour. Although we have been on a couple of ghost tours in Saint Augustine, FL, this would be our first in Houston.
It was a bit odd for me, not knowing exactly what to expect. I had only been on two ghost tours in St. Augustine, but I had been on several south louisiana tour guides historical tours of St. Augustine, had visited St. Augustine numerous times during my life, read many ghost stories about St. Augustine, and actually lived about half an hour away from St. Augustine (in Jacksonville, FL) for the past almost five years before south louisiana tour guides we moved to Houston. In other words, I went into a St. Augustine ghost tour having south louisiana tour guides some background about St. Augustine.
Here in Houston, I do not have any historical or background information. I was not sure what to expect since the tour was taking place in Hermann Park . There were no old buildings there and I was not sure if that area even had a public acknowledgment of being haunted. My brother and sister both worked at Houston Zoo and knew of a ghost story attached to the zoo, but nothing more than that. So, I went into this ghost tour a bit skeptical of how it was going to be.
I am going to pause for a moment about the ghost tour. I would like to share my view on ghosts in general before proceeding south louisiana tour guides further. Like Mulder, I want to believe. Not having had the experiences that Mulder has had though makes me more skeptical than he is. Not as bad as Scully though! I do not truly expect to see anything supernatural on any ghost tour, not even in a place like St. Augustine.
The tour itself was an hour and a half walking tour through Hermann Park . The most history I walked away with was that the area used to be a burial ground during war time. It seemed a lot of the reported hauntings are tied to more recent history having to do with a fatal car crash, a serial murderer (who was released on parole?!), and a couple of children who were trampled to death while rolling down the hill where the Miller Outdoor Theatre south louisiana tour guides is.
To be completely honest, I was not paying complete attention to the tour guide. It was a fairly large group, I d say around 25 people. south louisiana tour guides I was usually near the back because my sister-in-law and I were taking pictures. The non-speaking host was pointing out the best places to take pictures and perhaps see something. My six year old son was also with us and the talking definitely did not hold his attention. He just wanted to see ghosts and was very disappointed that he did not. That being said, I did not really walk away from this tour that much more knowledgeable than I began with.
I did not expect to see any ghosts or any other supernatural activity while on the tour. I did expect to gain some historical knowledge though. I did get some. I think the main reason I was disappointed was because I am used to St. Augustine. I expected something along those lines, not just a walk through the park.
I did have a good time on the tour. The host had some awesome face paint and was rocking a cool fauxhawk. Both hosts seemed to enjoy their job and believe in what they were doing. Personally, I would prefer to have visited a historical graveyard or historical buildings, but that is just me. We did get to see some rats and bunnies running around. My sister pointed out bats flying in the sky. Not long after the tour began, there was a mockingbird in a tree singing a beautiful song and I stopped to admire him. It was a fun evening hanging out with family.
Now, one may be wondering if I did get any good pictures. south louisiana tour guides I took a lot of pictures. I took pictures with the flash on and off. I took pictures of that mockingbird and the moon in the sky. I got the bunnies, the ghostly areas, and pictures of my family. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that my camera does not store pictures internally without a card. Yep, I brought no pictures south louisiana tour guides home with me. I was heavily disappointed last night. When we got to the tour I realized my camera had no card. Every other camera I have owned had at least some internal storage without the card. Not the Fujifilm Finepix S3000 though! That was a rough lesson to learn, but it has been learned and I will not forget the card again! I ve only had the camera for about three weeks and have not read the manual yet, so it s my own fault. I was so looking forward to viewing and comparing my pictures from last night too!
Oh well, there is nothing to do about that. I would like to do another ghost tour though. This same company does tours in different areas around Houston. My sister had the choice of Hermann Park , Old Town Spring , or Tomball when she bought the tickets. I think she chose Hermann Park because she was familiar with the ghost story at the zoo. I d like to try the Old Town Spring tour. I love old towns. My husband and I were married in Old Town San Diego under a beautiful big tree there. We then honeymooned in Old Town Saint Augustine .
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