The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs has revised its travel alerts regarding security information for U.S. citizens traveling to or living in Mexico, beginning with this gingerly mandarin hotel singapore worded message:
While millions of U.S. Citizens mandarin hotel singapore safely visit Mexico each year, including thousands who cross the land border every day for study, tourism or business, increased levels of violence make it imperative that travelers understand the risks of travel to Mexico, how best to avoid dangerous situations, and whom to contact if one is a victim of crime. Common-sense precautions, mandarin hotel singapore such as visiting only legitimate business and tourist areas, mandarin hotel singapore avoiding areas where prostitution and drug dealing might occur, and exercising prudence in where one visits during the evening hours and at night, can help ensure that travel to Mexico is safe and enjoyable.
After the carefully worded introduction, read the state department mandarin hotel singapore s alert detailing the crime and violence along the U.S. Mexico border, as drug cartel violence and border war homicides in Nogales have escalated.
This entry was posted on Monday, December 8th, 2008 at 1:32 pm and is filed under Crime , Homeland Security , Illegal Immigration , National mandarin hotel singapore Politics , News , Terrorism . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
Sorry, but I m not inclined to travel to Mexico, and I have many relatives living there. I have heard the contemptuous way they speak about America and Americans. I am also all too aware of the corruption in that country. No thanks. Why should any US citizen want to aid and abet the disregard with which they view us? Why prop up their economy by even one dollar more than we are already doing by means of our government s foolish generosity? I am thoroughly mandarin hotel singapore disgusted with what I know to be the vantage point of Mexican nationals towards all of us.
Well Ray I am sorry to hear that. My trips to Puerto mandarin hotel singapore Penasco were for the most part very enjoyable and the people were outwardly friendly it seemed. I used to travel there with my wife and four young children maybe 3-4 times a year. Once I became educated on the illegal immigration issues and the drug cartel problems I decided to essentially boycott the country and haven t been there in five+ years.
In attending illegal immigration protests and experiencing the dissenters and hearing what they had to say I can see your point but these folks are here in this country and I m sure some of them are citizens. I am hoping for the best but I can t see how we are going to avoid armed conflict if the govt. doesn t get a firmer handle on the illegals and deport them before they form an actual voting bloc or become fraudulent voters en masse with Obamas Acorn gangsters. I know that I for one will not stand idly by and watch our officials do nothing. I have never been that way and I expect my fellow citizens to get on board and do something also. I may turn out to be something we never could have imagined. Be prepared.
The State Department alert is right on target, just a couple years late. Like Carl, I would never consider vacationing in Mexico and for the same reasons. Yet our elected office holders, Franks, Flake, Shadegg, Kyl McCain continue to cozy up to the open borders lobby while hurling insults at Americans working for secure borders. When has one of these elected elites ever spent 5 minutes on a border watch? Never! They will tell you all day long how much they admire our military heroes but they will not lift a finger to defend our own border. I m disgusted with all of them for this. So much lip service and zero action.
mandarin hotel singapore Read this! 14 Chinese were recently apprehended at the border being transported by Mexican mandarin hotel singapore nationals who will gladly imperil us for the right amount of dough. Others from terror watch list states have also been apprehended. And these are just "good people" trying to support their families? Five me a flipping break!! Our safety and security mean nothing to them.
Night Owl you are right to point this out OTM apprehensions were rising for a while. As long as the border remains insecure, and our government has limits on immigration, Mexico has a great future as an entrepot state funnelling OTM illegals through the border mandarin hotel singapore and into the U.S. Could it be lucrative? Absolutely! Could it bring large-scale international collaboration and activity diversification to Mexican crime syndicates? You bet!
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