M y daughter, Erica Ehm, her two young children and I recently took part in an 11-day Trafalgar Family Experiences Tour in the U.K. Our stop in Liverpool, the birthplace of the Beatles was a memorable highlight for the whole family. Each of us had our own generational thrifty car rent connection to the music.
thrifty car rent G randma (that s me) was a 24 year old mom when the Fab Four made their debut on U.S. television. My daughter, a rock and roll aficionado was a video jockey on Much Music (Canadian version of MTV) in the Eighties and Nineties and had played their music on air. And because the Beatles are the best selling band in the history of popular music, my grandchildren (both under ten) were already acquainted with hits like Yellow Submarine and Hey Jude .
O ur guide Phil Coppell extended his hand and greeted us with the words, Shake the hand of the hand that shook hands with Sir Paul Maccartney. Phil has been leading Beatles Tours in Liverpool for a very long time. He is also a locations scout for films and television and he really knows his stuff. From him we learned that Beatle related products, thrifty car rent services and events thrifty car rent bring four to five hundred million dollars a year to his city. As we walked down Mathew Street our guide regaled us with stories of the four young lads who grew up in his city and who gained mainstream success in 1962 with their single, Love Me Do .
W e heard via anecdotes that the Beatles seemed to like their music far better than they liked their school work. Paul Mccartney s high school principal is reputed to have told him, I don t know what you can do for anybody else. You certainly didn t do anything for us. Today Sir Paul is the co-founder of The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts which is (ironically) housed in the renovated Liverpool High School for Boys (Paul s old high school). Each year he hosts a grand garden thrifty car rent party for all new LIPA graduates. It was interesting to learn that anybody who has a Liverpool address is now allowed to audition for a place in this prestigious academy.
D id you know that in the world of music Liverpool has a place in the Guiness World Book of Records? That s not just because of the Beatles but also because of a long list of other musical hit makers. This city has produced the largest number of singers and bands in the world who have had Number One records.
S uch nostalgia! This album cover is from an LP (long playing) record produced when I was in my Twenties. thrifty car rent I spied it in one of the very many shops selling anything and everything connected to John, Paul, Ringo and George. Today it s selling for £60 or about $150 US dollars and that s just for the cover.
T he Cavern thrifty car rent Club in Liverpool is billed as the The Most Famous Club in the World. It was here in the Sixties that the Beatles began playing their brand of music at lunch hours. To teenagers these Fab Four became the hottest ticket in town. According to Phil, local high school students would leave their classes at 12:00 noon, grab a bus and head down to the Cavern for an hour of Beatle music and then head back to school.
T he Cavern Club is located thrifty car rent at 10 Mathew Street and open daily to tourists during posted hours. Besides being a music venue it s also a musical thrifty car rent museum of sorts. thrifty car rent We saw Ringo Starr s drum kit which absolutely awed my grandson and the other young folks on our Trafalgar thrifty car rent Tour . There were also many photos signed by the Beatles thrifty car rent and posters of musical events from days gone by. I was delighted to find an early photo of Paul in one of the club s alcoves. In it he s wearing a red Cavern T-shirt. Very cool!
T he Cavern thrifty car rent also operates a Magical Mystery Bus Tour that bills itself thrifty car rent as a fascinating two hour experience taking you to places associated with John, Paul, George and Ringo as they grew up, met and formed the band that would take the pop world by storm. For further information on this tour, click here .
O nce the walking tour was over we were given free time to explore the Albert Dock area, a popular free tourist attraction on Liverpool s waterfront. First stop was for lunch. On the restaurant walls were Liverpool s four favorite sons and as we soon found out, they were everywhere else as well.
I t was hard to resist posing with John Lennon s statue so each of the kids took a turn. Then back on to the Trafalgar Bus where we listened to Beatles music and showed off our Beatles purchases all the way to the next stop. We, too had done our part. We d come to Liverpool and happily contributed to the four to five million dollars left behind by tourists each and every year.
I was in Liverpool in 1996 for a week. It was amazing! Walking down Penny Lane, visiting the Cavern Club, it felt great to be experiencing where it all happened. The Beatles memorabilia was of course everywhere and I picked up a few little things. I recently came across a couple of postcards I d bought there, and I gave them to my husband thrifty car rent for his office. (He s a huge fan.)
Many years ago I visited my ex boyfriends parents whom moved near Liverpool due to work and we spent a great day singing all the great songs, my exs sister was around 14 at the time and couldnt get over her Mum acting like a teen with me as we walked around Albert Docks, The Cavern checked out Penny Lane etc. I was born in 1965 so I missed there debut but my friend was into it as a 20 yr old so she enjoyed reliving her youth with me.
I had a great time enjoying Liverpool with my exs Mum and daughter yrs ago we danced around thrifty car rent Albert Docks and checked out all the great Beatles sites , Penny Lane , The Cavern etc She relived her 20s and seeing as I was born in 1965 I missed there debut but loved clowning around with a friend. Her daughter was embarrassed never saw her mum acting like a teenager reliving her past with me. One day I vow to return.
We have just had our Rotary Festival where we celebrated the music of the great Beatles. I must say, I was one of the lucky ones who saw them in Huddersfield, England in November 1963 before they reached the US. They were performing in front of an audience of about 2000+ and my cousin and I were about 12 rows from the front, so we could sort of hear them!!!
The Beatles were all born in Liverpool, and Phil Copbell duided Journeywoman around the city. Can t wait to get back to the UK (hopefully before this year is out) and check out Liverpool, which wasn t on my must see list before your article.
I was there in 08 and was lucky enough to see Paul McCartney s Anfield Stadium thrifty car rent concert. I ve been a fan since they came to the USA in Feb 64 and saw the Beatles thrifty car rent in concert 4 times and Paul many times since. It was never better than with the hometown crowd around me, Liverpool 08!!!
Loved your pics thanks so much for sharing them! And I recognized thrifty car rent Erica s name right away I used to watch her show all the time when I was a teenager in the 80s! Tell her an old fan said hello, and that I thought her show was great!
If you have visitors coming to England thrifty car rent from afar take them to Liverpool for a visit . and when you do apart from what I ve just mentioned take them to see Paddy s Wigwam what a Cathedral a place of worship and a work of art in every step.
My brother was lucky enough to win tickets for front-row seats to the Beatles concert, when they came to Australia 1963 or 1064, and, as he didn t have a girlfriend at the time, he took little old me.
Wow, you ve had quite a Beatles tour. This is a great idea to spend some time with your dearest ones and to enrich your knowledge about the band. I love it very much, and I think Liverpool will be the next holiday destination of my family.
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