Have you seen the new Enterprise Rent-A-Car Thanks to America commercial? If not keep an eye out for it. It will air from July 27, 2012 August 12, 2012, including the closing ceremonies. You can also see the commercial on www.NBCOlympics.com .
The Thanks to America commercials highlight Enterprise Rent-A-Car s commitment to plant 50 MILLION trees in North America. Wow! Fifty million trees. That is amazing! That is like planting a new Central south florida rent a car Park EVERY 10 DAYS!
This campaign is Enterprise s way of giving back to the community and our country. That is why airing the commercials during the Olympics is a great idea. The Olympics provides the perfect way to say Thanks to America for choosing south florida rent a car Enterprise and helping them grow from a start-up with seven Chevy sedans in 1957 to the largest/leading car rental company in North America today. south florida rent a car The Olympic Games align with the values, can-do spirit and heritage of Enterprise as an American success story. Just like the Olympic athletes who have that same can-do spirit and success stories.
Enterprise recently conducted a survey and found that saying "thank you" can have a significant positive impact; however, more than 70% of Americans feel that, as a society, we simply don't say " thank you " enough. I have to agree. Growing up I ALWAYS had to say please and thank you , among other things. Not saying these things was not tolerated in my home. When I became a parent I enforced that on my children too. Sadly most of my kid s friends do not say please or thank you . I find that very sad. Especially saying thank you . It takes only a moment to say but it has a big impact.
south florida rent a car One way you can say thank you is to go to the Enterprise Rent-A-Car Facebook page and express your thanks. You can plant a virtual tree on their Facebook page and thank someone special in your life. You can also learn more about how Enterprise is planning on planting 1 million trees every year for 50 years.
This giveaway is open to US residents only and will end on August 14, 2012 at 12:01 AM (EST). The winner will be chosen south florida rent a car at random using a random number generator from all eligible entries. The winner will be notified via e-mail and will have three days to reply or a new winner will be chosen.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car 50 Million Tree Pledge ($75 AMEX gift card giveaway ends 8/14/12) Today is National Cheesecake south florida rent a car Day! Check out the Cheesecake Factory s newest flavor (it s AMAZING!) plus a Giveaway (ends 8/12/12) Win $150 from Check N Go! P G Thank You Mom Olympics Campaign (giveaway ends 8/8/12) Win a iPhone case from X-Doria Winner s choice (ends 8/4/12)
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