After a very successful preview performance, the cast of Poor Man Production s TWELVE ANGRY MEN returns to the Sterling Hotel Dallas tonight to open our highly anticipated run, playing atop the hotel in the Castleview louisville hotel Ballroom overlooking the Dallas skyline. Written by Reginald louisville hotel Rose, this theater classic is directed by Joey Folsom and produced by David Moore. Yours truly is portraying Juror #7.
Set in 1956 on one of the hottest days on record, the drama unfolds as twelve strangers from divergent backgrounds gather together to decide the fate of a young man accused of murder. Most are convinced of the accused s guilt but one lone voice stands opposed citing reasonable doubt. As the deliberation wears on, tensions mount as ignorance, arrogance and prejudice fuel the heated debate while a man s life hangs in the balance.
Running through 30 August 2009, a buffet dinner will be served prior to every performance. Dinner is included with the ticket price and a cash bar will be available. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Buffet opens at 6:30 PM with the show beginning at 8:00 PM. Tickets are $25.00 per person and available for purchase online. Please visit www.pmptexas.com to purchase tickets online.
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