Good news for both football fans and Hawaii : The National Football League fairfield inn key west (NFL) and union representing its players fairfield inn key west announced that the All-Star game will be played next year in Honolulu . According fairfield inn key west to Reuters , the fate of the game was uncertain as NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell had said earlier this year that scrapping the exhibition was a possibility after the 2012 edition drew criticism for a lack of intensity and many players opting out. Mike McCartney , president and CEO of the Hawaii Tourism Authority , said that the Hawaii Tourism Authority has maintained ongoing discussions with the NFL leading up to yesterday's announcement. Together, we are committed to improving the quality of the game and overall experience, and are working to expand the Pro Bowl both in the Hawaiian Islands, as well as in Asia Beyond Hawaii s shores, we look forward to assisting the NFL in expanding upon their relationships in Japan, and help them to establish a presence in China both important markets for Hawaii tourism. McCartney also noted that the NFL has helped provide for the Hawaiian fairfield inn key west community through youth education programs, charitable contributions, community events and more. In addition to the worldwide media exposure for our Hawaiian Islands and the significant revenue fairfield inn key west and tax dollars generated by visitors who travel here specifically to attend the Pro Bowl, the game provides local businesses fairfield inn key west with an increase in activity and residents the opportunity to engage with players and experience a live professional football game.
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This Great! new for football fans. Now I can wathch champions league live free.