A Gay Male Burlesque Dancer, Charity Poker Games, Mightnight Rocky Horror Show Movie Madness and the Boy Patrick Chees Teeter-Totter-A-Thon online travel guides were just some of the wonderful events and entertainment that helped bring a delightful and highly energetic atmosphere to the Beyond online travel guides Vanilla XXI Conference this year held on Sept 30-Oct online travel guides 2.
This is the first time since going to this conference that I attended as a guest and not as a volunteer or committee member. I was looking forward to seeing how they could outdo themselves seeing as they celebrated their 20th Anniversary the year before and I was seriously impressed.
There was a wide variety of classes that didn t just cover the 101 version of topics but also provided intermediate and advanced online travel guides classes such as flogging and face play. I took glee in the fact that this year I got to choose between several choices that I had not yet experienced since I started attending various conferences.
I enjoyed watching that even as the classes were over and sometimes carried over the time limit, online travel guides the presenters made themselves available for questions online travel guides and further inquiries to help the attendees get as solid a grasp on the class that they were attending so that when returning home they had a way to follow up. The classes that I attended which included Gay Cruising, Face play, and Switching were wonderful!
One particular class on Gay vs. Heterosexual Leather completely blew me away in the fact that it was presented in factual form with both sides being addressed with positive light in terms of contributions to each other s culture. Robert Helms and Vince Andrews really took the time to educate the class that each culture has their own history, online travel guides heroes, and footprints not just impacted the Leather community but even societies online travel guides outside of it.
The Entertainment which included Vivienne Vermouth, Pixie O Kneel, as well as members of the popular group, the Gloryhole Girls, was a great opening to the weekend. I particularly enjoyed the MC Jennifer Long and a surprise opening number sang Frank Sinatra style by Hardy Haberman himself!
One of the biggest highlights for myself as well as for sure many others online travel guides was the keynote speech given by Vincent Andrews on Saturday night of that weekend. To be able to join together multiple issues that have been heatedly debated and discussed among the communities was no easy task and he did it wonderfully!
Speaking about generational differences online travel guides and how generations and sexualities have played a role into forming what Leather is today is no easy feat to do without offending anyone but I believe that this was achieved gracefully and thoughtfully.
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