As a PeterGreenberg.com traveler, you don t just opt for the first package deal that you comes across. Nor do you go to whatever destination is on the top 10 list for that year. Instead, you go to what s going to be the hot destination next year. And, once you gets there, do you go to the visitors center? Of course not. You re out there talking to locals and finding out the most authentic way to experience a destination.
Every week between now the end of January when we announce the winner, we will be asking one question. Participate each week for the best chance to win. Sign up for our newsletter hampton inn florida on the homepage and follow Peter on Facebook and Twitter for additional questions hampton inn florida and opportunities.
As the horses stand a safe distance away from the elephants, the zebras snort and begin to run away from the watering hole. Our horses begin to spook. What s causing the commotion? If I were able to ride horseback on safari in South Africa, I d experience what it is like to ride amongst the wild animals. Certainly a journey to Africa is on my 2012 travel bucket list.
I have always wanted to go to the Olympics. I d like to take my daughter to England in the summer of 2012 as our last trip before she heads off to college. I think it would be great to report out on how average folks can travel to major events, and offer creative hampton inn florida ways to find accommodations without mortgaging their home to do so.
Going with friends on RC to Costa Maya in Feb to kick off 2012 and climb some mayan ruins; did that once and have to do it again feeling the razor sharp rocks under my fingers, the hot sun, the steamy jungle trying to picture the scene 2,000 years before on those very steps; also planning how to fly to Margarita Island, VZ do we skip CCS for security reasons, or do other airports that are inconvenient for connections for a wedding in June 2012 in a 17th century church with a side trip to Los Roques archipelago of islands. Pre New Year s resolution brush up on Spanish pronto!
Panama is tops on my list for 2012 one or two days in Panama hampton inn florida City then a hop, skip and terrifying plane ride over to Bocas del Toro for scuba, surf and a taste of the good life. Rumor has it the island is still in the early stages of development tourist-wise, so it s easy to get a sense of the local culture. If I m lucky I ll also make it to David for hiking and the like. I ve been in Buenos Aires for the past few months hampton inn florida and I can safely say it s time to hit the beach and feel some sand beneath my toes.
Since I saw your week long travel reviews on the Today show 9sometime in in 1994) on volunteer vacations I have wanted to go to either Africa or India. I did get to do one to Cuzco, Peru thanks to your recommendations on all the volunteer organizations hampton inn florida that you can join and travel with and do wonderful things to help children and those in great needs in other parts of the world.
Since I saw your week long review hampton inn florida (sometime in 1994) on the Today Show on volunteer vacations I have wanted to go to either Africa or India. I did have the honor and pleasure to go to Cuzco, Peru based on your recommendations on all the wonderful organizations that provide these trips and allows one to travel and volunteer in countries that our help are much needed.
I fell in love with Botswana, while viewing the HBO series The Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency. Ideally, I d do the deluxe safari of all Southern Africa: in the Range Rover, with my upgraded camera and a kick-ass zoom lense. Finally, all my practice safaris in zoos will have paid off! I fell in love with New Zealand as well, while watching Xena: Warrior Princess, so that s a second dream trip. Somehow I doubt swordplay or a battle cry will be useful for the assignment you never know, though. Suppose I could learn to surf
Our older daughter will be studying in Seville next spring so my wife and 14 year old daughter will be spending our spring break flying into Paris (at the request of our younger daughter) and traveling to Seville before returning home 10 days later. Two cities steeped in history culture hampton inn florida bookending endless possibilities for exploration and interesting options for transport.
Thinking this would serve as a great example for creating a fun, enriching itinerary when time is limited, family members involved and where the destinations could still not be properly explored with 10 times the available time.
I m living hampton inn florida in India for a couple more months (for a total of 8-9), so I ll be celebrating New Years Eve somewhere in Tamil Nadu during a two week backpacking excursion. However, the most exciting thing on my travel bucket list for 2012 is the Holi Festival (festival of colors) and the Elephant Festival which both happen in February in Jaipur, India. I ve seen photos and video footage from these festivals and they look absolutely incredible!
2012 is going to be a great year. The big 5-0! And life has never been better, so I am really looking forward to it! I plan to travel to France to meet up with my French hampton inn florida sister , who is also turning 50, and traveling thru the true countryside of France, Germany and surrounding countries. Sophie and I met at age 16, lost contact with each other in our 20 s and then reconnected 20 years later and it was like we had never been apart. Even though I am a single traveling girl, she is the married mother of 3 and we grew up in completely different countries, we are amazed at how much we have in common and how much we enjoy spending time together. And because Sophie is fluent in at least 4 languages, I don t have to worry about communication problems. I am excited hampton inn florida to have the opportunity hampton inn florida to explore the backroads of Europe and experience hampton inn florida the true culture.
How about doing the opposite?instead of reporting on overseas trips like most are wanting, I would like to report on some of the great places the States has. I am an American who has been living in Europe for the past 23 yrs, (currently in Spain), but, I will be flying over to the U.S. to drive my parents from Michigan down to Florida, and must pass through at least 8 states. I find it s a great opportunity to turn it into a mini road trip and visit all the wonderful places which might be of turistic value, offering tips and recommendations for first-time travelers esp.for Europeans who love Americana and think they know Americans from what they see on TV movies. So, I would love to clear up some the clichés on Americans.
Bonjour, bonhuit, two words in French I can still remember. Having studied and spoken the language many years ago, I would love to go to a place where I would have the opportunity to recall the French language and learn to speak it once more. What a treat that would be. Paris? Brussels? Part of the 2012 bucket list.
Ahh, 2012 that is truly a quaetion to ponder. In 2011 I accomplished several Bucket List activities drove a NASCAR at 147 mph, did a Kenya safari and saw the Big 5 several times over and visited remote and unspoiled Aitutaki.
I have traveled quite a bit and would like to see more of the good old U.S. Not just the tourist attractions, but the out of the way places that makes us unique. Small town in New England, rural areas of the Appalachians, more of the Amish country, the magnificent Rockies from Montana south, and of course wilderness Alaska.
I want to experience everything I ve slept on the floor in a village hampton inn florida hut in Thailand, stayed in small hotels and grand resorts. An ideal trip incorporates many modes of travel. My 2012 bucket list is narrowed down to an Amazon cruise ending with a visit to Machu Picchu, renting an affordable bure in French hampton inn florida Polynesia or seeing the antiquities in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the Pyramids, temples, and the Nile. One of my goals is to visit at least one UNESCO World Heritage site every year. I love to experience new foods, local culture, hampton inn florida historic sights as a traveler and not as a tourist. No all-inclusives for me!
In April, I have a travel bloggers conference in Umbria, Italy, where I hope to stay in a private villa with a 200 year-old garden. I ll then travel on with a friend hampton inn florida to Rome to see her version of the city she lived there for seven years. We ll proceed hampton inn florida to Sicily to taste lemons and stare out at the sea, then adventure through France to the Champagne and Burgundy regions. In the latter, we ve discussed what we like to call investigations du moutarde hampton inn florida : a tour of a mustard-making facility in Beaune. I ll wrap up my trip with a visit to my friend in Zurich who gives tours of bakeries, chocolatiers and more; her recent interview with Peter strengthened my resolve to take a tour for myself.
In July I ll be off with a pal to volunteer at an elephant reserve in northern Thailand, journey south to visit with friends who live in Bangkok, and search hampton inn florida for unusual dumplings in the country s far south, and then explore beleaguered yet gorgeous Myanmar hampton inn florida by land and sea.
I d like to spend 2012 exploring the world s newest hampton inn florida countries such as Timor-Leste, Montenegro, Serbia, Palau and South Sudan. As a child who avidly devoured National Geographic, it was always the newness of places hampton inn florida previously unknown to me that really fueled my travel fire. Now that I spend so much time in places like the UK and Mexico (which can present less newness and far more cliche) I crave the excitement I once had when discovering a place for the first time. It would be so gratifying to not just do that for myself but to help others do the same, through my reporting.
The top of my bucket list is the first big event of the year (aside from New Year s Eve): The BCS National Championship game in New Orleans. How could you not want to be a place with the tradition of the Alabama Crimson Tide and the crazy Cajuns from just up the highway in Baton Rouge. Plus, it s in New Orleans! Continuing on the sports theme, other Bucket hampton inn florida List places hampton inn florida are the Grove (Ole Miss), Ohio State-Michigan in the Horseshoe USC at Notre Dame (that one will have to wait until 2013) and the Georgia-Florida game in J
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