I have been obsessed with all things road trip lately- The route! The cities! The music! The people! I am dying to get on the open road with no real objective other than to explore. It speaks to my soul- sounds dramatic but it s true. I sincerely hope this isn t one of those goals that sounds much better in my head and the reality of it sucks. I highly doubt it though. Adventure is usually always fun. Sadly, my normal partner in crime, Brian, isn t available to drive across the country tour master helmet bag with me (Damn those jobs. Although he may fly in for a leg of the journey we will see) so I had to move on to my next partner in crime, tour master helmet bag Rachel. She is a perfect person to road trip with considering she is adventurous, fun and also a beautiful photographer .
She came over the other day to brainstorm the road trip routes and dates and we had so much fun! We were getting more and more excited by each stop and idea! After a few hours we had our route and our departure date
When Brian got home from work, I excitedly showed him our plan and he said why these dates? I said I don t know, why not those dates? We kinda just picked them out of a hat He said what about a car and hotels and and and?
Tags: 365 til , 365 til 30 , adventure , Arizona , Austin , Delaware , drive across the USA , Explore , fun , Georgia , goals , happy , humor , Inspiration tour master helmet bag , Kate McClafferty , Louisiana , New Mexico , North Carolina , Road trip , Savannah , South Carolina , Texas , thelma Louise , travel , turning 30
I drove from Portland to chicago once in mid winter. Lucky we didn t kill ourselves coming through th Rockies in the snow. Got to the museum of science tour master helmet bag and industry and it was CLOSED. talked my way in. guess that foreshadowed becoming a lawyer 14 years later.
If you go to Arizona, you must seek Oak Creek Canyon in Arizona. tour master helmet bag I ve travelled plenty, and have yet to see anything more beautiful anywhere. And while night clubs are the same, one cannot say that about Glacier National Park,Yellowstone, tour master helmet bag and some other places. You ll need a tuneup before and after the trip unless you rent a mileage unlimited comfortable and safe car. When I got out of the military on the east coast and had to come home, we found a rent a car that had been driven one way from San Francisco to New York, and they let us ferry it back, giving us their gas credit card. we had to pay for any oil or tire issues (which come up when one abuses cars). We went down through the south when it was a little scary even to be while if you weren t from there. new orleans was fun. etc. hoping one or two of these thoughts smooths your trip. The secret to being a good travelling companion is to NEVER insist on your own agenda. drive safely. Irv s neice s husband.
@ David thank you so much for your ideas! I loved reading your comment. I will most certainly put Oak Creek Canyon on the list! Loved your points about the car situation. That s amazing you found a car that needed to be driven tour master helmet bag back! That would be ideal!! Did you just call around to different rental companies? We haven t decided just yet although we were leaning towards renting a car
Hi Kate! I found your blog via a comment you left on Jenna s site (sweetfineday). tour master helmet bag I just have to say I think it s so awesome that you re planning a road trip across the country. It s something that I would love love love to do some day! My boyfriend and I just finished up two driving adventures of our own in 2011. The first was 20ish days going from LA through Oregon and Washington. The second was over the holidays when we spent a week traveling through Arizona, New Mexico and a bit of Texas. It looks like we hit a number of the same areas you list on your trip so I d be more than happy to pass along any info I have. I can t wait to see the blog posts during your adventure. Have fun planning!
Hi Sarah!!! SO happy you stumbled upon my blog! I just checked out your blog (which tour master helmet bag I love) and road trip pictures (which are beautiful!). What a great road trip you took! I will most definitely be contacting you about some ideas/info ..:)
I'm a writer, blogger and host living in Los Angeles. My professional tour master helmet bag website can be found here www.katemcclafferty.com . Feel free to email me kate@katemcclafferty.com if you have any questions or would like to advertise on 365 til 30.
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