We'll have six full days in London (first daytona beach hotels time!) and I want to see Stonehenge. I've read several topics about this day trip and, without a doubt, the most simple way to do it is to go with a tour by some company. This was my choice until I read that you can only go inside the stone circle at specific times (before and after the general public times) and, although some co. can arrange that, the cost seems a *little* expensive - from 35 in the normal tour (outside the circle) to 79+ with the inner circle access, even tough the entrance fee to the "park" is the same ( 7.80)!
That said, I'm thinking that for a lesser amount of money than we would pay in the special tour (that is, 79x3 (me, my wife and our daughter), we could dump the tour, rent a car and make a little road trip, including some other cities in our way. These would be Bath and Avebury daytona beach hotels (to see some more stones!). I'm aware that to do this without a tour co., I must book directly with English Heritage, months in advance etc, but I think I'll try.
3. I want to book Stonehenge to the afternoon slot (18:30 hrs). So, I'm thinking in leave Heathrow very early, see Avebury in the morning, lunch in Bath and sightseeing trough the evening, and Stonehenge daytona beach hotels at 18:30 hrs. From there, directly to Heathrow. Is this the best route? Am I missing daytona beach hotels something great in the way?
1. busy day-trips are really a matter of personal preference. You will miss the commentary from the tour guild. These type of day trips are the things I often do on holiday. If you drive automatic transmission cars, I would recommend daytona beach hotels that you reserve one well in advance. The typical rental is a manual transmission.
3. When I was in England you did not really have to book Stonehenge in advance. However, be careful about opening daytona beach hotels hours. daytona beach hotels Mid October last year the site closed at 16:00. In mid-March that will extend to 18:00. I would check in advance as to the opening hours of StoneHenge.
As to the route, the thing to remember that the M roads are the quickest, followed by A roads in general. While you can still go 60mph on the smaller roads outside of towns, they can be more challenging to navigate.
Are you missing something great? There are many other sites worth seeing in that end of the country. One instance, Salisbury Cathedral. This is not far from Stonehenge. Another is Longleat daytona beach hotels park at Avebury [be careful with a car at Longleat]. However, on busy day-trips one does have to choose what to see and what not to see.
Only MHO, but I would not bother going to Bath just for lunch. One of the best things in Bath are the fabulous daytona beach hotels Roman baths and they take at least an hour or two to see. A historical tour of Bath is extremely interesting and that takes a couple of hours. The beautiful Abby is also worth while. Bath needs a day.
phpacha: Your plan is certainly doable - mainly because daytona beach hotels you wouldn't be visiting the stones until after closing time. Otherwise it would be too much in too little time. Avebury is a great first stop. Then on to Bath.
From Bath to Stonehenge takes 60 minutes on a good day. And you'll have to build in time to get from the center to the park ride. Unfortunately can't be late to Stonehenge and you won't know if it is a 'good day' until you have arrived at the stones.
didn't see Sassafrass' post - and he is certainly correct that Bath really needs a full day. But IF you understand you will have enough time to visit the Baths and have lunch and nothing much else - then your plan is doable
If you want Stone Circle Access, book it now. We are going in late September and there was only very early morning (6:45am) availability on a few days. I was also told there is no inner access in October. We did the evening access in summer 2006 and it was a very special way to see Stonehenge.
I agree with you that they have speed cameras everywhere. A single carriageway has a speed limit of 60mph for a normal car. This does reduce greatly in towns where the limit much lower and where most of the cameras are.
I think the only problem now is that we may not be able to get the inner circle access in the evening daytona beach hotels (as castlevisitor mentioned), which is available in fewer dates and times. In that case, this itinerary is doable daytona beach hotels in reverse? That is to say, leave London real early, go directly to Stonehenge (to be there by 8:00 or 06:45 AM) and then Bath and Avebury? I know it would be challenging get in the road so early, but is it doable?
If you just want a nice place for lunch consider skipping bath (as you said the visit would be superficial anyways) and heading to Salisbury. This is a lovely Market town with a great cathedral with a copy of the magna carta. There are some good pubs for lunch as well. It's also very close to Stonehenge so you wouldn't have the traffic concerns.
The medieval Cathedral Close is a wonderful place to wander around and a a light lunch is available in the gardens of Mompesson House the location for the filming of Sense and Sensibility and certainly daytona beach hotels worth a visit if time allows.
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