If the application and licensing process is any indication, online poker may soon be as prevalent as live poker in Nevada, with two more Las Vegas casinos applying international airline ticket auction for licenses to operate online games in the Silver State.
The Hard Rock application was submitted international airline ticket auction under BREF Interactive Gaming, LLC , a subsidiary of parent company Brookfield Real Estate Financial. The company is reportedly in negotiations with software providers to secure online poker software.
While a handful of other companies have applied for licenses to do business in the online gaming industry, the operator license is a distinction in Nevada granted solely to brick and mortar companies.
Last month, Boyd Gaming, Golden Nugget and Fertitta Interactive also were approved for operator licenses. Other companies already licensed are: WMS Gaming Inc., American Casino & Entertainment Properties, Shuffle Master, International international airline ticket auction Game Technology, South Point Poker, Monarch international airline ticket auction Interactive, international airline ticket auction Bally Technologies, Global Cash Access.
Still, there s been no indication when the first real money site will launch. Initial expectations from South Point were squashed when the company postponed international airline ticket auction its debut, international airline ticket auction citing negotiations and delays in testing.
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