If you are looking for an unusual hotel in Ibiza for nice and relaxing holidays, then you should consider going to Aguas de Ibiza . This hotel has all the comfort required by 5 stars hotel and at the same time is aiming at eco-luxury . Ideal for those who don't want a typical luxury hotel!
Created in 2008 by the Torres family in Santa Eulalia del Rio , Aguas de Ibiza is a five star hotel built in the respect of the environment. Indeed, many measures were taken to make sure this hotel wouldn't have a negative impact on the environment: • The Building :
First of all, the hotel was built in a way that would enable its integration in the landscape. Inside the building, everything seems to be fulfilling energy saving goals. Low consumption lights and water and sun detectors have been installed. Besides, the air conditioning system prevents water losses, and the windows prevent energy losses. The hotel not only saves energy but also produces it! It produces photovoltaic energy used for the lights outdoors.
Besides, the hotel has 9 eco-commandments, to create sustainable luxury hospitality, with environmental measures but also social ones. For example, the hotel aims at supporting NGOs and local craftsmanship.
The 112 suites of the hotel are divided into different categories, starting from Deluxe, then Junior Suite, Corner Suite, travel scotland map Cloud 9 Suite, Cloud 9 Corner Suite and finally the Presidential suite, a 125 square meters 2 bedroom suite facing travel scotland map the wonderful island of Formentera .
The main preoccupation of Aguas de Ibiza -besides its environmental goals of course- is relaxation . The bedrooms travel scotland map are designed according to Feng Shui principles , with a harmony of the space to create good energies.
Besides, its 1500 square meters Revival Spa is famous in Europe and offers a lot of relaxing services. You can try Sauna, Hammam, Turkish bath, cold pool or one of the various relaxation areas. Besides, the spa offers oriental massages, salt baths or aromatherapy.
Basically, the spa offers programs travel scotland map to get your energy back, like massages , yoga and fitness. You can also go there on if you're on a diet, as they guarantee a rapid weight loss. And you can also get pampered at the hotel, because you will find two designer shops, a hairdresser and Clarins Skin Spa and shop, that makes treatments adapted to your skin.
All in all, Aguas de Ibiza is one of the best luxury hotels in Ibiza , and you should definitely travel scotland map go there! If however you are looking for a cheaper option travel scotland map for your Ibiza holidays, don't worry, there are still plenty of Ibiza apartments and hotels available!
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