About Victor Fiorillo Victor Fiorillo writes about anything and everything from crime and politics to personalities and pedicures. No, really. Pedicures. Though you wouldn't know it to look at his feet. In addition to breaking news on the Philly Post, he writes for Foobooz and Philly Mag.
It seems that a whole lot of people were shocked this week when news broke that the Philadelphia Police Department traveling nurses company raided a Mummers clubhouse in South Philadelphia traveling nurses company and arrested ten women for prostitution . Those who were less surprised at this information have spent some time either radisson plaza hotel fort worth on Two Street, traveling nurses company a destination not exactly known for clean living and family fun, or inside one of Philadelphia s many private social clubs, traveling nurses company where illegal behavior traveling nurses company whether bookmaking, drugs, or, yes, the occasional G-String traveling nurses company Night, as the Italian-American club in my neighborhood calls it is not exactly uncommon. At most clubs, it s an unstated privilege of membership.
After the arrests, some of you out there wondered how desperate men must be to pay these particular women, most of whom appear rather, shall we say, weathered, for sex. Others asked why only the ladies of the night were arrested traveling nurses company but not their johns . These are all good questions, but what I really want to know is, why did the PPD spend so much time going after this particular club?
According to police, who held a press conference and released mugshots of the accused to the press as if this was a victory over some terrorist traveling nurses company plot to release nerve gas on the Broad Street radisson plaza hotel fort worth Line the bust came after a six-week investigation of the club. Police say that the wild sex parties, as characterized by Fox news , had been going on for some time on the second Tuesday of each month.
Meanwhile, all over this city, there are longstanding houses of prostitution that operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They advertise traveling nurses company their services usually under the guise of spa treatments in local publications. Here s a little tip for your crack investigative team, Commissioner Ramsey: the phrase body shampoo is sometimes used as sex industry speak for prostitution, especially when it appears in an ad next to a completely naked Asian woman sporting a come-hither look, as is the case with an advertisement in Wednesday traveling nurses company s Philadelphia Weekly for the Happiness Spa at 1812 Ludlow Street, less than 400 feet from Stephen Starr s Continental Midtown.
There s another so-called spa at 1819 Ranstead Street, about a two-minute walk from the Philly Mag offices, on a dead-end block that also houses a Midtown Diner and the barber shop where I get my hair cut. Once buzzed in at 1819 Ranstead, after they check you out via a security camera, you give $65 to the nice lady who answers the door. She may give you a beer as a line of Asian women parades before you. You pick your gal, go upstairs with her, get naked, traveling nurses company and then, following a massage and, yes, an actual body shampoo, negotiate a tip. For sex. Shocking!
While the Mummers clubhouse is a private club that wasn t taking out ads in the local paper for its monthly soiree, these brothels traveling nurses company are selling sex out in the open, totally unregulated, and, apparently, with impunity. Are they paying traveling nurses company taxes on all of that illegally earned radisson plaza hotel fort worth income? Are the workers being tested radisson plaza hotel fort worth for diseases? And, most importantly, with the many well-documented connections between brothels and human trafficking in the United traveling nurses company States, are the women who sell their bodies at these places radisson plaza hotel fort worth sex slaves or operating of their own free will?
Are the Ranstead Street brothel clientele more upscale? Maybe some folks get a pass while working class slobs can t get their jollies engaging in a victimless crime in a private club. I love all the manufactured outrage as well. Just like the guy with the company that makes pot-shaped candy. Don t they have any real crimes to solve?
@rechill As pointed out in the article, human trafficking traveling nurses company and prostitution radisson plaza hotel fort worth often go hand in hand, so while the particular women arrested this week might be doing it on their own for fun profit, prostitution is very often NOT a victimless crime.
I live on 2 Street WITH my family, and I think this neighborhood is one of the closest I have ever seen. Everyone will do anything for each other, I have been to more benefits than I can count to help fellow neighbors, and I have attended many festivals geared TOWARDS family fun.
Maybe that s the way YOU view Two street, but those of us who live or have lived on 2nd Street (not TWO street), know that just like any other neighborhood in an urban environment there are issues, but that 2nd Street residents are known for their close knit community and for their charity towards their neighbors.
Your comment is not only rude and disrespectful towards the neighborhood of 2nd Street, but to all other South Philly neighborhoods, who share the same qualities and struggle traveling nurses company to keep crime out of their neighborhoods.
It s unfortunate that our country s puritanical nonsense uptight traveling nurses company views about sex result in prostitution being an underground activity that has, as the world s oldest profession and always will, flourish. In Central America radisson plaza hotel fort worth and most of the civilized world, the profession is taxed, licensed, tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (with mandatory training on what is and isn t safe sex), and trafficked workers are assisted, not prosecuted.
As you said, the cons of prohibition are: lost tax revenue, no licensing radisson plaza hotel fort worth fees for workers, no STD testing, no way to distinguish between those who choose to do this for a living and slaves being trafficked.
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