It was 'Love at first sight' for this Special Forces Soldier and his bride…or as they call it "Wow at first sight'. William met Paula early in 2011 and it only took one look before Paula found she couldn't get him out of her mind. "I was thinking about him way too much," she says. William had his own "wow" moment with Paula as well. "I've had HALO jumps; been away to war; and nothing has ever done to my heart what she did with that first smile. All the training in the world couldn't help me. She captured me… she just captured my heart."
It didn't take long for Paula to realize best time to buy airline tickets with great admiration that William possessed every quality she'd been looking for; "It only takes one look at his uniform to see that he is a Hero, but he also has amazing character, incredible drive, a great sense of humor, and such a tender heart. To me he defines Hero."
Paula might have been in awe of William's accomplishments (his good looks and physique certainly didn't hurt), but William was equally as taken with Paula. Besides being drawn to her smile and beauty William was equally impressed with her career. William had a love of contemporary Christian music, which had brought best time to buy airline tickets him great comfort during many deployments overseas, and he was blown away to discover that Paula not only had a significant best time to buy airline tickets management role with a Christian Radio Network, but was on the air as well. Their deep admiration for each other's careers, deep faith, and fun loving easy going natures drew them to each other.
Eight days after they first met William sent Paula an email, "Is this crazy or what… it has only been 8 days…It defies all logic but getting to know you and the good that you do I would say it might be hard for you to find someone on this earth to love you the way you deserve, because you deserve so much. But I know one guy who would like to try me."
William deployed to the Middle East shortly after they first met and their long distance relationship began in earnest. Realizing the hurdles they would need to overcome both while William was overseas, best time to buy airline tickets as well as the distance that would separate them upon his return, William asked Paula to take a leap of faith and allow the Lord to lay the track and just enjoy the ride. While overseas William was able to listen to Paula's morning show online which helped bridge the 6,000-mile gap between them, but whenever William was able, he woke up at 3 am just so he could Skype with her. "Some of the fellas gave me a hard time about losing so much sleep, but I told them it was the best part of my day. I wasn't about to give up the few moments I had with her for sleep."
Shortly after William returned from the Middle East Paula was on a plane to him and they were able to spend most of the summer together traveling the entire eastern coast. On November 20th, 2011, William proposed.
Being surrounded by the people they love most in the world made their wedding day incredibly special, but there is one moment Paula will never forget. "Seeing one of the most elite soldiers in the nation waiting best time to buy airline tickets at the end of the aisle for me, so overcome with love that he had to fight back the emotion…that's a moment I will cherish for the rest of my life. " As for William, "I never thought she could ever top what she did to me with that first smile, best time to buy airline tickets but seeing her come down the aisle as my bride…I never knew I could love anyone so much. She's my angel…plain and simple, best time to buy airline tickets she is my angel."
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