MYRTLE BEACH -- This is the third in a series of 10 articles cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york that examine news events that shaped our area and captured our attention for better cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york or worse in 2012, and look ahead at what developments await in 2013. If you missed one, read it at MyrtleBeachOnline.com .
Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york (left), Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul debate cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york a question about national security i n the Fox News debate at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center on Monday, Jan. 16, 2012. SUN NEWS File Photo by Janet Blackmon Morgan / jblackmon@thesunnews.com
The Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce will set up a hospitality venue for media covering next month s Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., in the hopes of drawing attention to business and tourism along the Grand Strand.
Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce CEO Brad Dean told the City Council on Tuesday that the tourism initiative has been pivotal in tapping new markets and bringing tourists to the Myrtle Beach area.
A 25-foot sand sculpture of President Barack Obama brings some of Myrtle Beach to the Democratic National Convention s host city. But landlocked Charlotte is nearly cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york 200 miles from the ocean and the sand is actually from a mine in South Carolina.
cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york More than two years after receiving criticism for its role as a clearinghouse for campaign contributions to politicians, the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce continues to be linked to local groups seeking to influence cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york elections, including one organization that paid for television advertisements urging the re-election cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york of council members who supported a local-option sales tax increase that funnels millions of dollars each year to the chamber.
Once the decision was made in October 2011, members of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce, the S.C. Republican Party and countless others worked straight through the holidays up until the Jan. 16 event, said chamber cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york President and CEO Brad Dean.
Dean said the debate brought a significant economic boost to the Myrtle Beach area in the off-season during a month that is historically the slowest cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york of the year. The two debates in 2008 brought in between $8 and $10 million.
Dean said the benefit of having the debate in town was not as much about the money it would bring in through hotel stays and restaurants, cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york but the free publicity that came with it. Myrtle Beach spokesman Mark Kruea said the debates aren t the biggest cheap last minute tickets from los angeles to new york off-season events, but also said getting national and international exposure is extremely important.
It s name recognition that you simply can t get in any other way. That benefit is almost incalculable, Kruea said. It s the publicity that s so key more so than the hotel room nights and the restaurant meals.
Not only would we welcome the opportunity to host another national event, but I think we ve laid the groundwork to host future events, Dean said. I think the community has earned a right to be on the short list of places to host [future debates].
We ve made it known that we want to be considered for future events, but we don t host events just for the sake of hosting events, Dean said. We judge those events not only on the return on investment but also the scope of the publicity. Publicity is the gift that keeps on giving.
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