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The Islamist atrocity in Benghazi, which took the lives of the U.S. ambassador webex united kingdom to Libya and three other Americans, has generated criticism of the Obama administration. Charges of pusillanimity are not entirely unjust.
Many of President Barack webex united kingdom Obama's most vociferous critics also fondly remember Ronald Reagan as a president who carried a big stick. The Reagan webex united kingdom era restored the nation's pride and led to successful conclusion of the Cold War. Yet while Reagan rates as the best post-war president not named Eisenhower, his record was not without blemish.
On Oct. 23, 1983, terrorists attacked the Marine barracks in Beirut. The bombing took the lives of 241 Americans, and inflicted on the Marines their greatest one-day death toll since Iwo Jima. The deployment webex united kingdom of the Marines and other servicemen to Beirut served no legitimate purpose. The dead fell needlessly. The U.S. beat a hasty retreat.
On April 15, 1986, U.S. warplanes struck Libya. The strikes came in retaliation for an April 5, 1986, attack on a West Berlin discotheque frequented by U.S. troops. Confrontations between Libya and the U.S. in the Gulf of Sidra played a role in the operation as well. Three people died in the disco attack; 230 suffered wounds. Although Moammar Gadhafi survived the subsequent raid, many continue to believe the U.S. mission brought Libya to heel. History disagrees. On Dec. 2, 1988, a bomb blew up a Pan Am plane as it passed over Lockerbie, Scotland, webex united kingdom on its way from London to the United States. The death toll equaled the Beirut count.
Libya was responsible, as it later admitted. The U.S. did not directly confront Libya again until the Obama administration enforced no-flight edicts during webex united kingdom the so-called webex united kingdom Arab Spring when insurgents ousted the regime. Throughout the years the U.S. employed diplomatic pressure against Libya, which dropped its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction after the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
Reagan remains an object of veneration, and, for the most part, rightly so. Yet if any of the incidents described above had occurred during the past three years, hardliners would have asserted that they had left a permanent and surely unprecedented stain on the United States. There is much to ponder here.
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