Now that I ve mostly recovered cheap airline tickets low cost airfare from our vacation to Kauai, I think I can honestly say, other than the fact the room I reserved wasn t available cheap airline tickets low cost airfare the first night, I lost my phone charger when we changed rooms (fortunately I had a back up), Edie came down with the same viral infection on Wednesday, I had the previous two weeks, and my phone drowned when it went swimming with me in the ocean, it wasn t that bad.
The hotel was nicer than expected, the weather was perfect, and the food was good (maybe a little too good, as I gained cheap airline tickets low cost airfare 8 pounds). The only question is why I felt the need to travel 3000 miles to experience all that, when I can get all that [and more], i.e. good food, nice beaches, great scenery and fantastic weather, right here in southern California, or at most only a few short hours away by car.
Plus there is nothing more mortifying and profoundly exhausting, then traveling anywhere by airplane. Getting to and from the airport, going through security [especially going through security], waiting for the plane to leave, and then being cooped up in a hollow tube for, in this case 5 to 6 hours, just doesn t seem worth any perceived benefit that may be gained.
cheap airline tickets low cost airfare I was diagnosed over 10 years ago, and have managed to survive since then without treatment, by following a few simple rules. Eat a [mostly] well balanced diet, exercise (cycling, at least up until recently ), abstaining from taking supplements or any medications, drinking cheap airline tickets low cost airfare 5 to 6 cups of [Japanese] green tea a day, and most importantly [lots of good wine], flossing and brushing my teeth twice a day, everyday.
I started this blog mainly to chronicle my life, putting down in writing what goes through the mind of a cancer survivor (although I have been seen straying into unrelated areas on occasion), and along the way help educate others about lymphomas and other blood cancers, and filter out some of the hype and misinformation so often associated with the internet, which unfortunately there is plenty.
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