Calendar - Brattleboro Reformer
Dance and Fitness Classes: Luminz Studio, 74 Cotton Mill Hill, No. 346, Third Floor, Brattleboro. For adults and children. Yoga, 9:15-10:15 a.m.; Focused movement practice lab, 3-5 p.m. Information: www.luminzstudio.com .
Pliny Park Concert: 6-9 p.m., corner of High and Main streets, Brattleboro. The Outlandish Landsharks perform. T. Frederick Jones and his two daughters, Lillian and Francie, a family reunion with originals and harmonies. Free. Final concert of the season.
Ballroom and Latin Dance: aaa discount hotels Stone Church, 210 Main St., Brattleboro. aaa discount hotels A night of ballroom and Latin dancing presented by Shall We Dance Brattleboro. 7-8 p.m., Free Salsa dance lesson. 8-10 p.m., Open dancing. Refreshments. aaa discount hotels Cost: Singles, $8; couples, $15; teens and seniors, $5. Information: Ray, 802-579-9990; ray@shallwedance.biz .
Free Movie Night: 7:30 p.m., Williamsville Hall. Movie: "Bucket aaa discount hotels List." Blu-Ray quality video and five-speaker surround-sound. Refreshments for sale: popcorn, water, aaa discount hotels soda and candy. For children and Advertisement families.
Retreat Farm Petting Farm: 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 350 Linden St., Brattleboro, on Route 30. Visit animals, rain or shine. Costs: Age 2-11, $5; age 12 and older, $6; under 2 years free. Information: 802-257-2240 or info@theretreatfarm.com .
Congregate Breakfast: 7:45-8:15 a.m., Brattleboro Senior Center, 207 Main St., Brattleboro. Menu: Greens, eggs and ham, home fries, fruit, yogurt, juice. Suggested donation for seniors over 60, $3.50. All others, $6. Information: 802-257-1236.
Tasha Tudor Museum: 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 974 Western Ave., West Brattleboro. New exhibit featuring dresses from Tasha Tudor s historic costume collection. Members free; adults, $5; seniors aaa discount hotels over 65, $3; ages 6-12, $3; under 6 free. Information: www.tashatudormuseum.org aaa discount hotels .
Brooks Memorial aaa discount hotels Library: 224 Main St., Brattleboro. Check out free museum passes to local area museums: Eric Carle, MASS Mocha, Springfield, Shelburne, Norman aaa discount hotels Rockwell, Bennington, etc. Reserve online at www.brooks.lib.vt.us , click on "Museum Passes" button. Information: 802-254-5290.
Lemonade and Cookie Stand: 1:15 p.m., Holton Home, 158 Western Ave., Brattleboro. Holton Home residents selling lemonade and cookies for about two hours. Profits to benefit the Brattleboro Area Drop-In aaa discount hotels Center. Information: Ellenka at 802-254-4155.
Meditation: 7:30-8:45 a.m., Biologic Wellness Center, Merchants Bank, 205 Main St., Brattleboro (ground aaa discount hotels floor, basement entrance on right). Mountains and Rivers Mindfulness Community. Free mindfulness class and sharing group in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Every Friday. Newcomers welcome. Wheelchair accessible. Information: mountainsandriversmc@myfairpoint.net or 802-387-2382.
Worn Again Thrift Shop: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Edmund s Catholic Church, Main Street, Saxtons River. Clothing, costume jewelry, footwear, housewares, books, some gift items and more. Some free items. Sponsored by West River Missions. Open Wed., Fri. and Sat.
Hospice Thrift Shop: 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Experienced Goods Thrift Shop for Brattleboro Area Hospice, 77 Flat St., Brattleboro. Selling quality clothing, books, housewares, furniture and more. Seeking donations, 802-254-5200.
BCTV Channel 8: 12 a.m., Words of Peace: Just for Today ; 12:35 a.m., Agape Christian Fellowship: Pator Steve Chase; 1:55 a.m., Dirty Sex Clean Politics; 2 a.m., Riverbank Church Mad Men: A Study in Galatians,part 2; 2:52 a.m., Farmers aaa discount hotels Masquerade- "The Party of the Year" in VT; 3 a.m., Athens Community Christian Church: 7/10/2012; 5 a.m., David Wells Memorial: August 12, 2012; 6:50 a.m., Top of the Hill Grill: Interview with Jon Julian; 7 a.m., The Road to Recovery: Employment for People in Recovery; 8 a.m., Democracy Now!; 10 a.m., David Wells Memorial: August 12, 2012; 11:50 a.m., The Artful Word: Shelburne Farms Old Time Farm Fest; 12:25 p.m., Community Medical School: Your Home Away from Home; 2 p.m., Army Newswatch aaa discount hotels 8/3/2012; 2:30 p.m., Riverbank Church Mad Men: A Study in Galatians,part 2; 3:25 p.m., The Rhema Word; 4 p.m., Top of the Hill Grill: aaa discount hotels Interview with Jon Julian; 4:07 p.m., For the Animals: Dog Mtn, Shelah Vogel & Kylie Zubkoff; 4:25 p.m., The David Pakman Show: From This Week; 5:23 p.m., Tropical Storm Irene Anniversary; 5:45 p.m., No program name available.; 6 p.m., Democracy Now!; 8 p.m., Tropical Storm Irene Anniversary; 8:20 p.m., Farmers Masquerade- "The Party of the Year" in VT; 8:25 p.m., Cello-Bration: In Honor of David Wells; 9:51 p.m., Farmers Masquerade- "The Party of the Year" in VT; 9:59 p.m., Cecile Pineda: Devil s Tango; 11:15 p.m., SIT in Serbia, Bosnia, and Kosovo; 11:25 p.m., Dirty Sex Clean Politics; 11:29 p.m., Words of Peace: Just for Today .
Dance and Fitness aaa discount hotels Classes: Luminz Studio, 74 Cotton Mill Hill, No. 346, Third Floor, Brattleboro. For adults and children. Zumba fitness, 9:30-10:30 a.m.; Upper elementary dance combo (9-13 yrs.), 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. Information: www.luminzstudio.com .
Music at the Guilford Fair: 1-3 p.m., Guilford Fairgrounds, Weatherhead Hollow Road, Guilford. American Pop with Kevin Parry on guitar, George Adair on bass and Richard Mayer on drums. Radio hits from the 50s, 60s and 70s; classic country; and some old-fashioned Country and Western. Information: 802-257-7428 or www.kevinparrymusic.com .
Tri-State Dance: 7-11 p.m., Elm Hall, Durkee Street, off Parker Street, Winchester, aaa discount hotels N.H. Band: Angela West & Showdown. Admission: Members, $8; non-members, $10. Coffee and pastry provided. Hosted by the Monadnock-Tri State Dance Club. Information: Pauline, 603-903-0773.
Community aaa discount hotels Square/Round Dance: 7-11 p.m., Gassetts Grange Hall, Jct. 10 and 103S, Chester. Hosted by Green Mountain Express. aaa discount hotels 50/50 tickets, refreshments. $5 at the door. All welcome. Information: aaa discount hotels 802-875-3500.
Staged Reading: 7:30 p.m., Actors Theatre, corner of Brook and Main streets, West Chesterfield, N.H. Alan Ayckbourn s "Time of My Life." Time shifts from past to present to future at 3 restaurant tables occupied by husband, wife and 2 sons and their mates. All tickets $6. No reservations required. Information: www.actors-theatre.info ; actorstheatre2@gmail.com .
Retreat Farm Petting Farm: 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 350 Linden St., Brattleboro, on Route 30. Visit animals, rain or shine. Costs: Age 2-11, $5; age 12 and older, $6; under 2 years free. Information: 802-257-2240 or info@theretreatfarm.com .
Community Breakfast: 8-10 a.m., Gassetts Grange Hall, Jct. 10 and 103S, Chester. Menu: Bacon, sausage, eggs, homefries, pancakes, all the fixings, and beverages. aaa discount hotels Buffet style. $5 at the door. Information: 802-875-3500.
Bean Supper: 5-6:30 aaa discount hotels p.m., United Church of Winchester, Main Street, Winchester, N.H. Served family style. Cost: Adults, $8; children, $3; family, up to 5 members, $20. Information: 603-239-4465. No advanced ticket sales. Handicapped accessible.
Guilford Historical Society Museum: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Guilford Center Road, Guilford. New exhibit featuring Civil War memorabilia. No charge. Open Tuesdays and Saturdays and by appointment, 802-257-0147.
Tasha Tudor Museum: 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 974 Western Ave., West Brattleboro. New exhibit featuring dresses from Tasha Tudor s historic costume collection. Members free; adults, $5; seniors aaa discount hotels over 65, $3; ages 6-12, $3; under 6 free. Information: www.tashatudormuseum.org .
Windham County Museum: Noon-5 p.m., Route 30, Newfane. Special exhibit: Diorama of the West River Railroad by artisan Doug Cox. Ongoing exhibits: Civil War collection and battlefield aaa discount hotels souvenirs, early Vermont furniture, textiles, and portraits, the story of the highwayman, Thunderbolt, early 20th century Windham County photographs. Free admission. Open Wed., Sat. and Sun.
Brooks Memorial Library: 224 Main St., Brattleboro. Check out free museum passes to local area museums: Eric Carle, aaa discount hotels MASS Mocha, Springfield, Shelburne, Norman Rockwell, Bennington, etc. Reserve aaa discount hotels online at www.brooks.lib.vt.us , click on "Museum Passes" button. Information: 802-254-5290.
Fall Food and Bake Sale: Begins at 8 a.m., Main Street, Grafton. Baked goods, coffee and doughnuts; cookbook sale, silent auction, fall plants, and more. Nate s Grill with brats, hot dogs and burgers. Sponsored by the Grafton aaa discount hotels Historical Society.
Guided Wild Mushroom Hunting/Classes: 8:30 a.m., meet at the Quality Inn, Putney Road, Brattleboro. Two-day event, Sept. 1 and 2, with hunting and cooking. Small cost to register. Call 478-318-2794 or e-mail chrismathe@aol.com for more details.
Brattleboro Farmers aaa discount hotels Market: 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Western Avenue, Route 9, next to Creamery aaa discount hotels Bridge. Rain or shine. Over 50 juried vendors. Globe-spanning cuisine, artful crafts, and local agriculture; berries, aaa discount hotels wild foods, preserves, meats, cheese, wine and more. EBT and debit welcome. Frequent Walker/Biker Program. Information: 802-254-8885, brattleborofarmersmarket.com .
Community Yard Sale: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saxtons River Recreation Area. Bake sales, concessions, barbecue, many tables of tag and yard sale items. Fundraiser for the Recreation Area s new "facelift." Rain date: Sunday, Sept. 2.
Cruise Night: 5 p.m.-dusk, Staples parking lot, Putney Road, Brattleboro. Now & Then Vehicle Club s. All antique or classic cars, trucks, or motorcycles welcome. All welcome. Door prizes, raffles, music, conversation. Every Saturday night until Columbus Day weekend. Information: 802-257-3053.
aaa discount hotels Thrift Shop: 9 a.m.-noon, Wed. and Sat., second floor, above, West Townshend Post Office, Route 30, West Townshend. Sponsored by The West River Community aaa discount hotels Project. Community closet with large selection of men s, women s and children s clothing, footwear; and toys.
Worn Again Thrift Shop: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., St. Edmund s Catholic Church, Main Street, Saxtons River. Clothing, costume jewelry, footwear, housewares, books, some gift items and more. Some free items. Sponsored by West River Missions. Open Wed., Fri. and Sat.
Hospice Thrift Shop: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Experienced Goods Thrift Shop for Brattleboro Area Hospice, 77 Flat St., Br
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