3570 Comments (0) http%3A%2F%2Fblog.travelchannel.com%2Fthe-traveling-type%2F2012%2F09%2F26%2Fno-bacon-shortage-at-the-travel-channel%2F No+Bacon+Shortage+at+the+Travel+Channel%21 2012-09-26+13%3A08%3A52 Amanda+DiGiondomenico http%3A%2F%2Fblog.travelchannel.com%2Fthe-traveling-type%2F%3Fp%3D3570 |
OK, so yeah, the U.K.'s National Pig Association is warning of an impending bacon shortage, thanks to high feed costs. But don't hit the panic button just yet, because there's plenty of bacon to go around at Travel Channel.
On Wednesday, October 3 at 10|9c, don't miss Food Paradise: Bacon, and in the meantime, try not to drool on your keyboard when you check out our Sizzling Bacon Porn photo gallery – from Chicago's cheap hotels in new orleans Paddy Long's 5-pound Whole Bacon Bomb, a spicy mix of pork and cracked-pepper bacon, all wrapped in brown sugar bacon to the bacon-infused vodka martini at the Berkshire in Denver, CO.
Before the bacon apocalypse hits and while the breakfast cheap hotels in new orleans (lunch dinner?) meat is still widely available, try Andrew Zimmern's recipe for a Bavarian Bacon and Onion Tart . Learn what makes the bacon-wrapped hot dog at El Guero Canelo in Tucson, AZ, so special. Or why Chef Laurent Tourondel of BLT Burger in New York City is allowed to call his bacon cheeseburger "perfect."
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