I'm not talking about obvious cheap american airlines tickets stuff, such as canceled campaign events, unseen TV ads, fewer robo-calls, less door-to-door canvassing or even suspended early voting in the District of Columbia and Maryland.
Or maybe Romney benefits from any government screw-ups or sluggish reactions, and reminds America that, as he said during a GOP debate in June 2011, we should do away with Federal Emergency Management Agency by pushing its function down to the states or "even better" to the private sector.
(Romney aides now are quoted as saying that he thinks that states should manage emergency response with help from the federal government and FEMA and that the governor does not think that FEMA should be abolished. No mention of the private sector this time.)
cheap american airlines tickets But given that anything bad that happens at any level can get blamed on whoever's in charge - on whoever's seen sitting comfortably cheap american airlines tickets out of harm's way on the public dime - one could argue that Obama has more to lose here than Mitt.
Plus, think about this: it's estimated that 50 million people are impacted by the storm in solid or probable Obama areas such as Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, cheap american airlines tickets New York and Pennsylvania.
The bulk of Obama's support lies in the hardest-hit southeast regions. If that vote doesn't show up Tuesday (if Obama's touted "ground game" is grounded) or shows up in significantly smaller numbers, Pennsylvania cheap american airlines tickets and its 20 electoral cheap american airlines tickets votes could go to Romney.
They also can offer the image of a leader in command cheap american airlines tickets while Romney, at most, is relegated to visiting Red Cross shelters to encourage giving, lest he risk seeming cheap american airlines tickets to cash in on the suffering of others.
Kilgore Trout 76: Keep your head in the sand as you did when you voted this inexperienced community organizer into office and has proven after four years he is still UNFIT for the job. Obama's sequestration bill cuts 93billion from FEMA so he is only in NYC NJ for photo ops. His golf clubs are in Air Force One on the ready when he flies to warmer states to campaign
Conjob, please read something other than your own posts. I'm getting tired of having to correct your fictions. RepubliCons in CONGRESS wanted and got the sequestration. Obama isn't golfing, you're thinking of Bushie. cheap american airlines tickets (Remember: I don't spend a lot of time worrying about Bin Ladin. Now watch this drive! ) Obama is actually governing. Romney is posing. Obama is helping. And as for Tuesday, look at the polls in Ohio. You'd better have YOUR hanky ready, cause our president will be celebrating four more years!
This will have a huge effect on the elections. Americans got to see the president for who he is, a strong reasoned leader who fights for the people. Not the lazy do nothing celebrity that the GOP has tried to paint him as. It was a crisis that sealed McCain's fate last time, and this crisis shows again that we need conviction, ethics, and good governance in a president. Romney has made one bumble after another, from saying FEMA should be privatized, to asking for goods the Red Cross doesn't want and can't handle, and for disguising a political cheap american airlines tickets rally as some sort of relief concert. The guy is rapidly becoming a joke. His lies about Jeep outsourcing jobs to china, and his shapeshifting are sickening when compared with the leadership our president has shown over the last few days. To top it all off, Christie's sparkling endorsement of how the president handled the crisis cuts right to the core of what republiCons are telling us about president Obama. Keep an eye on those polls, because it wouldn't surprise me if Obama began opening up a big lead in the coming days.
Latest report is that Obama has already cut 93BILLION dollars from FEMA. This is the latest on sequestration. So, Obama can run around taking advantage cheap american airlines tickets of photo ops but the help storm victims may need has been cut and the left wing media most likely won't cover that. The dems are already planning to raise taxes again if Obama is re-elected. How else can they pay for all their big utopian ideas they have in the waiting. If the storm victims are smart they will take the Hurricane as a sign from God and vote against the democrat party who supports abortion upon demand, votes same-sex marriage, votes to fund birth control with tax dollars, votes GOD and Israel OUT of their party platform then is forced to vote it back in. If you didn't see that vote search it on youtube DNC votes God out of platform 2012.
There was an interesting piece in The Washington Post about polls. Far fewer people are participating. This undoubtably effects accuracy, but no one knows how. Pgarels, the fiscal cliff has been the work of both parties over many years. We need people who are willing to work together -- like Christie and Obama. Most Republicans in the House certainly haven't been willing to do so.
Just ask yourself, who would you want in the White House when this happened? I think we got our answer - Obama. It is too frightening to imagine if RMoney was sitting there. He is nothing like a national leader.
He could have prevented Benghazi if he were attending intelligence briefings instead of campaigning the last year.He is using this to make it look like he is this great leader which he isn't.Anybody can do what he is doing since all he has to do is give orders ,like with Osama Bin Laden .
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