Oh, my. Here we are in 2012 and talking about the role(s) of women, equal pay and opportunities, coverage for reproductive health, and #bindersfullofwomen, though, really, that meme is the least of our problems.
Let's start with some good news: The second debate was watched by 65.5 million viewers, half the number of Americans who voted in 2008, which demonstrates a pretty engaged electorate (or one that will watch if nothing else is on television).
The candidates discussed issues of importance to residents of cities and suburbs, not merely the problems of small-town folks in a John Mellencamp song. Instead, they tried to reach the larger electorate, though Mitt Romney, once again, wanted to talk small business.
About this small-business business, Romney loves talking about the subject, by which he means small-business owners . He views himself as one, saying Tuesday sixt rent a car that "I came through sixt rent a car small business." Bain was worth a few billion dollars when he left. Most Americans consider this not small.
The debate focused on women because, gee, it turns out that we vote. Much, too much, frankly, has been made of Romney's "binders full of women" comment, the meme of the moment and sure to be a hit at Halloween.
Turns out a binder of qualified female applicants was presented to Romney when he became governor of Massachusetts, and anyone can make an awkward statement during a debate. As governor, Romney appointed women to top jobs in his administration, two out of the 10 highest-paid officials when he started, rising to four by the time he left.
He hasn't supported the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which makes it easier for women to file suit when they believe they have been the subject of wage discrimination. It is astonishing that we still require such legislation, that many women still make less than men performing the same work, and that any candidate would take issue with this basic civil right.
Yet, as the president noted, Romney has bobbed and weaved on his views, saying, "I'll get back to you." As President Obama reiterated in Ohio the next day: "And, by the way, men out there, you don't want your wives paid less than a man for the same job. So this isn't just a women's issue. This is a family issue. This is a middle-class issue."
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