Pennsylvanians made it through two days of rain and wind from Sandy on Tuesday with hopes of connecting back to the electrical grid, plans to finish cleaning up leaves and limbs and the prospect of returning to jobs or the classroom.
The storm that did so much damage along the coast before it drenched Pennsylvania was blamed for seven deaths in the state. discounts on disney cruises It was more than a mild inconvenience for the million-plus who lost power and the countless others whose homes were damaged by blowing rain and falling trees, but it was not the disaster for the state that some had feared.
"We are breathing somewhat of a sigh of relief," he said at an evening news conference at the headquarters of the Pennsylvania Emergency discounts on disney cruises Management Agency outside Harrisburg. "I'll breathe a better sigh of relief when we get everybody back on line with electricity."
Power outages were the storm's most damaging byproduct, but the number of customers in the dark continued to fall to about 850,000 by Wednesday morning. Officials were reluctant to predict when most people would see service restored, saying the extent of the damage was still being surveyed.
Bill Crouch spent his Tuesday morning cleaning up fallen tree limbs from around discounts on disney cruises his house and shed in Levittown, where a neighbor's tree was uprooted during the storm but did not cause any property damage. Crouch had been without power since Monday discounts on disney cruises evening. discounts on disney cruises His biggest challenges were finding ice to keep his food from spoiling and batteries to keep his hand-held discounts on disney cruises radio and flashlights discounts on disney cruises working.
Tammy Bertel and her husband lost power at their Harleysville home on Monday night, their first extended outage since moving into their house 15 years ago. But she took it in stride, calling it a minor inconvenience.
"We are perfectly fine. If we have to, we'll go stay in a hotel or with friends," Bertel said. "I've camped in the middle of a rainstorm. I'm not that high maintenance to begin with. It's not that big of a deal."
The seven storm-attributed discounts on disney cruises deaths included an elderly Lancaster County man who fell from a tree he was trimming in advance of the approaching storm and a teen who struck a fallen tree while riding an ATV in Northampton County.
In eastern Pennsylvania, a 66-year-old man died of carbon monoxide poisoning and several other people were taken to a hospital after being overcome by fumes from a generator running in a garage discounts on disney cruises because they had no electric power, and a 90-year-old suburban Philadelphia woman was found dead of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning from a generator turned on when the storm cut power to her home.
An 8-year-old boy died when a tree limb fell on him in Franklin Township, north of Montrose. In Berks County, a 62-year-old man died after a tree fell on top of a house in Pike Township, near Boyertown. And in Somerset County, a woman died when the car in which she was a passenger skidded off a snowy, slushy roadway and overturned into a pond.
Despite Sandy's huge size and soaking rains, landlocked Pennsylvania managed to avoid the kind of widespread, catastrophic flooding that marked Hurricane Irene in August discounts on disney cruises 2011 and Tropical Storm Lee in September 2011. It also fared far better than New York and New Jersey.
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