Amelia, one of our JUCY Crew members headed down to the South Island last month. She faced her fears and took the plunge, skydiving from 12,000ft with our mates at Skydive Wanaka (they are one of our JUCY Deals partners). Below is a bit of a summary on her Skydive Wanaka Experience. car rentals in london mayfair Enjoy! Love, Lucy xx
I will start from the beginning. Well the beginning is actually a few weeks ago when I knew that I was going to be coming car rentals in london mayfair to Wanaka, which meant I knew that the amazing team at Skydive Wanaka were going to persuade me to jump out of a perfectly good plane from 12,000ft – attached to a beautiful stranger as they like to call it. Now knowing this a few weeks in advance, and me being the worry bug and over-thinker that I am, this gave me more than enough time to work myself up into a real frenzy. Yes, I think that is a good way to put it.
Fast forward a couple of weeks and I was in Wanaka and the night before I was due to jump it was all I could think about. What if I'm sick? Will my ears hurt? What if I pass out? I am actually going to jump out of a perfectly good plane! OMG!!!! car rentals in london mayfair These thoughts were constantly running around my head right up until I arrived at Skydive Wanaka's HQ. Although the nerves were still there, I must admit that everyone I dealt with was nothing but supportive, re-assuring and made the whole experience the best it could be.
After a quick briefing, some forms (to sign my life away), a weigh in and some time choosing car rentals in london mayfair music to have my video edited to it was time to suit up, harness up and meet my tandem master….Geoff! Geoff was my beautiful stranger, and he was awesome! Before I knew it I was all ready to go and sitting inside a bright orange plane ready for take off. For the record, at this point I am still completely terrified, my palms were sweating and I kept on asking Geoff questions about the banana position ..legs back, head tilted…..yes – I had it, I was ready to jump!
The flight up to 12,000ft was the most amazing scenic flight yet the most nervous flight I have ever had. Geoff did an amazing job at distracting me from the skydive nerves and focusing my thoughts car rentals in london mayfair on the amazing view. Snow capped mountains, rivers, lakes, fantastic blue skies it truly was amazing. Looking back at it the flight is awesome! As we approach the 12,000ft Geoff tightens car rentals in london mayfair my harness, gives me some goggles and a funky little hat and it was GO TIME! Door opens. Heart Races. car rentals in london mayfair People infront of me start leaping out of the plane with their beautiful strangers, car rentals in london mayfair and before you know it I m there at the door, feet hanging out bent into the banana position and I m out!
WOW. WOW. WOW! Whan an amazing feeling. I ve always wondered what it would feel like to be able to fly. And that was what I was doing flying ..well free-falling but it has to be similar right?! 45 seconds of freefalling was a thrilling and overwhelming experience and before I knew it Geoff realeased the parrachute and we were floating and able to take in the amazing sights of Wanaka with a birds eye view. I can t think of a better place in New Zealand I could have had this experience where else do you get views like this!?
Heart racing, and with a sense of major achievement car rentals in london mayfair and pride we came in for landing. I had done it, and it felt FANTASTIC! If I had to give you three words that described my skydive experience they would be Overwhelming, Amazing and Thrilling. If I had to give you three words that described the team that looked after me and made it all happen I would say that Skydive Wanaka are Awesome, Professional and Memory-Makers!
car rentals in london mayfair Thanks Skydive Wanaka for helping me face my fear, tick something off my bucket list and for being part of my memories forever and one of my highlights of 2012 by far! I will leave you with this quote from H.P Lovecraft - The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. So, face those fears because trust me, once you experience the thing that scared you so much you will realise it s really not as bad as you thought it was going to be. It could infact be AWESOME!
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