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En español | 1. Broadway bound. Many shows offer affordable tickets at the box office park plaza hotel winter park florida on the day of performance, by lottery or for standing room only. For participating shows and details, search for Playbill.com Broadway rush.
3. Travel bargains. The AARP Travel Center, at Expedia-AARP.com , offers discounts on car rentals and hotels, up to $100 in extra onboard credits on select cruises, savings of up to $525 on vacation packages , and more. Explore online or call 1-800-675-4318.
5. Compact move. Unless you're traveling with lots of people or lots of luggage, park plaza hotel winter park florida reserve park plaza hotel winter park florida a cheaper compact car with better fuel efficiency. Compacts aren't popular, park plaza hotel winter park florida and rental companies fill their lots with bigger cars; if they run out of compacts, you might get a free upgrade.
11. Cheaper airfare. park plaza hotel winter park florida Consolidators buy tickets from airlines in bulk and resell them at prices generally way below published fares. These tickets park plaza hotel winter park florida are for regular flights on major lines. Check your newspaper's Sunday travel section.
12. Bus or train? Both have deals. Intercity travel by bus has taken off. It's cheaper than plane or train and drops you off in the center of town. Many buses offer free Wi-Fi and power outlets. With several lines, like BoltBus and Megabus, park plaza hotel winter park florida you can save big by booking early online. If you prefer the train, Amtrak cuts 15 percent off most fares for riders 62 or older. VIA Rail Canada offers 10 percent off the full adult fare for travelers park plaza hotel winter park florida over 60.
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