In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, gun control advocates have reacted with unprecedented fury against those who want to preserve existing protections for the right to keep and bear arms. Their fury has arguably been stoked by the National Rifle Association s recent press conference.
Medea Benjamin of CodePink is removed by a secretary personnel as she protests during NRA CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre s news conference at the Willard Hotel prior to a news conference the association has scheduled December 21, 2012 in Washington, pro sport tickets DC. (Photo Credit: Getty Images)
As a result, an anti-gun pressure group known as Avaaz is attempting to pressure organizations that give discounts to NRA members into dropping those discounts as a sign of social disapprobation. Their first target is the hotel conglomerate Wyndam Hotels Worldwide, which owns the chains Ramada, Days Inn, Wingate and Super 8 – and Best Western.
The campaign itself is relatively conventional Avaaz has started a petition with 66,000 signatures asking the hotels to get out of bed with the NRA, and has also asked its members to leave comments on Wyndham Hotels Worldwide s Facebook page. The Guardian reports :
Avaaz, a global campaign network of 17 million people, is targeting Wyndham Hotels Worldwide – which owns Ramada, Days Inn, Wingate and Super 8 – and Best Western. Both are listed on the gun rights group s website under the heading friends of the NRA because they offer members discounts through its business affiliates programme.
oseph Huff-Hannon, senior campaigner at Avaaz, said: It s time for mainstream companies like Wyndham Hotels to get out of bed with the extremist NRA. Their affiliation is a toxic approval pro sport tickets of how this gun lobby has made America less safe for our children. The NRA s influence pro sport tickets is already waning and the tragic events in Newtown pro sport tickets must mark the end of the group s stranglehold on our politics. [...]
A spokesman for Wyndham Hotels said: We are a hospitality company focused on our service promise pro sport tickets to be responsive, be respectful and deliver great experiences to our customers, guests, partners and communities, as well as to each other. As part of our company s core values, we serve diverse individuals and organizations.
This is not the first time that Avaaz has targeted a hotel chain over support for causes that it deems politically unsavory. In 2011, they attacked Hilton pro sport tickets Hotels for allegedly contributing to sex trafficking. According to Avaaz, that effort was successful. However, it is not clear whether attacking the NRA will prove to be as politically easy as attacking pro sport tickets sex traffickers.
President Obama s Administration provided over a 100K plus to illegals to buy assault weapons pro sport tickets in Arizona like AR-15, AK-47 s etc. for Mexican criminals pro sport tickets and drug runners. Hundreds of Mexicans have been killed in Mexico, our American Border Patrol and now a Mexican Beauty Queen. Maybe you radicals should go after Obama before you go after the NRA. I guess all you Obama voters have blood on your hands. Waiting for comment from liberals on Fast and Furious.
Don t hold your breath Bigmac!! Liberals have removed ALL sanity from this once great country ..it is in it s final days! Liberals be WARNED that just like a Phoenix the Great American experiment will come back full swing
Stalin, hitler and Mao implemented weapons buy backs, registrations and bans. How d they end up? Hundreds of millions dead. Sad as the instances are They are rare. 40-80 deaths a year. However when firearms are confiscated its 2.5 million deaths per year via genocide.
You are correct, no mass shootings. However, the Australian government has implemented a pretty good population control measure by way of restricting pro sport tickets guns, what with the 300% spike in armed assaults and similar spike in overall murders.
You left out the fact that gun crime in Australia is at an all time high because the criminals are the only ones that have guns. This kills far more Australian than mass shootings, which are rare even in this country.
Great idea: It s time the NRA members publish pro sport tickets the names of all non gun owning liberals in the newspapers. This way, the criminals can rob their homes and assault their families without the risk of weapon resistance. Then we will see who cries about self defense rights. I m am so sick of these wimps.
The liberals would sue say it is an invasion of privacy or disturbing the peace.. Or maybe they would sat that it is an implied threat. The end result is that they would try to throw in jail then sue you in civil court.
Much easier to advertise that people who belong to group X generally don t have guns. This could not be the Democrat Party. there might not be blue dog Democrats after Nancy Pelosi ran them out of office, but there are blue dog Democrats. I think you have to specify several organizations like Code Pink.
- Also point out that they are relatively better off. Must be nice for Code Pink to fly all over the world to protest like in Egypt. Gotta have money to do that. Say $1,500 for a round trip after taxes, housing, utilities food. They gotta have money.
Tolerance, compassion, these are some of the words that liberals don t use unless it benefits them. If the hotel denied rooms to any group, they would be sued. These rights were forced upon them by liberals like you. Maybe you should be careful of what you wish for you might get it. Complain all you want, its your fault.
One day Morsi the Muslim Brotherhood will fall. Political prisoners will be released. That is when I want Code Pink to make a return pro sport tickets trip to Egypt to explain to the masses how it was all for the best.
Great – Enema (aka Encinom) is back! Just what we need. I am surprised you are still alive over these past several years. Is it hard to breathe with your head up your "arse"? For those of you unfamiliar with this quack, ignore "it". There is never any relevance to "it's" comments! You still have the Rod Serling Fathead on your wall, Mr. Enema?
The democrats that are complaining about the NRA have a thousands times more blood on their hands from the non-stop abortion of innocent children. We can turn that against pro sport tickets you. At least we have morals.
pro sport tickets These uneducated Lemmings can post and picket all day long if it makes them so happy that they want to paint their faces. When it comes vacation time and they start searching for deals , they will be the first in line to grab the hotel rooms that they are vomiting all over now.
ALL of you people need to grow up and get a grip. You are simply trying to make yourself feel good and feel useful about something tragic that has happened. Turn back time and it will happen again. Killing has been going on since the dawn of man. You re mad at YOURSELF because pro sport tickets you want to make a difference , but then forget about it on Christmas day. No killing is the NRA s, members, or guns fault. It s the fault of the shooter pro sport tickets and YES the fault of society. I cannot pro sport tickets believe that someone can think that an NRA member from 10 States away is the cause, but the video games and music about killing whores and cops has no effect pro sport tickets on young people that pound Red Bull in order to keep playing for hours. Hell, I smoked pot because of Pink Floyd for god sakes. And you think Gangsta Rap is just good clean fun. NO WONDER YOUR 14 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER pro sport tickets IS PREGNANT! Open your eyes and SEE what s molding YOUR kids lives! Your baby momma ain t the fault of the NRA honey!
It doesn t seem like madness to me. It seems like one prong of a co-ordinated multi-pronged attack. I think that the gun control people feel that this is their best opportunity to acheive their aims and they are going all out to try and create a division, a class warfare in a way, between those who support the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment and those who would see the west subservient to the UN.
Well these chains of hotels just earned A+++ rating from me without ever having been to one. Liberal freaks just gave us travel saving tips. Man, they are stupid sheep. I hope these hotels have a Chick-fil-A nearby.
My guess is that they will cave. I hope they don t, but they know we need a cheap, clean (maybe) room for a night, and will still patronize their place. On the other hand, they know the left is well funded and will not give up until it gets what it wants, as these demonstators have shown they do not have jobs.
You bet it s another Chic-Fil-A. Support every Wyndom Hotel; Ramada; Days Inn; Wingate; Super 8 and Best Western. When obama said Cherrios was false advertising, we bought 10 family size boxes; when he said Whole Foods was not organic; we bought pro sport tickets all of our vegetable from them; we bought a $50 gift certificate from Chic-Fil-A plus went to lunch one per week for a month; when calif. said they SUGGEST no meat on Mondays, we made a vow to eat ONLY Chicken or PORK every Monday. It always backfires. Also when they said they were going to start gun control, sales went up 80-90%
pro sport tickets Do the words kiss my grits meanb anything? The world is on fire, we have a Marxist President and Senate and these weenies are worried about hotel discounts? Do the words stupid and petty ring a bell?
I have to believe that the majority of the truly anti gun crowd are of the far, far left variety. I would think that Wyndham would welcome their boycott. I don t believe Wydham accepts pro sport tickets food stamps anyways- but I am sure they will like not having to air out the room from the pot smoke and the unbathed masses when a liberal has rented a room.
@Bodybag Enjoyed that response. LOL We could expend far less energy if the peta, social issue, gay marraige, free abortion on demand lefties all wore shirts Anti-Gun Advocate and took strolls through the neighborhoods of the other major group of Obama voters- the give me free stuff, I hate whitey, no personal responsibility group. Would be entertaining to watch the one group of lefties obliterate another group of lefties. The Obama Zombie Apocalypse is coming. Good to know you are ready.
Wis. Sheriff Who Encouraged Resid
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