On Tuesday, social media was on fire Tuesday ( #njgas#njopen was a Twitter hashtag) with the frantic search for local fueling stations that were open. Unfortunately, many found that many establishments were price gauging. Other stations were plum out.
Reader Sarah Mundrick says: Someone just posted hotel with spa room cincinnati about the Delta on route 46 east in Ledgewood. I just wanted to add that this afternoon I waited over 90 minutes on that line and they were refusing to fill gas cans or containers and said cars only! Just wanted to let you all know so you don t waste your time like I did!
From reader Carlos Trejo: I live in Edison and looked everywhere for open gas stations to no avail. I decided to drive all the way to Easton PA to get gas. No lines most gas stations open many people from NJ are getting gas from PA.
3:46 via Twitter: Kristen Lord of The Star-Ledger says: Earlier today, the Singin gas station on Lower Main St. in Matawan had pumps operating. hotel with spa room cincinnati They weren t allowing vehicles hotel with spa room cincinnati in the parking lot, but those with gas cans can wait on line for gas.
1:24: Jen Braun of The Star-Ledger says: Gulf Station on corner hotel with spa room cincinnati of Hillside Ave and Chestnut in Hillside had gas at 11-ish this morning hotel with spa room cincinnati but line of cars to get in there is causing gridlock on Hillside Ave for at least half a mile, maybe more. Entrance to 78 West on Chestnut hard to access hotel with spa room cincinnati because of this.
8:52 a.m. The lack of available gasoline has apparently led some dealers and other retailers to raise prices above what is permitted during a state of emergency, and the state Attorney General's Office has said it is investigating dozens of allegations of price gouging.
The law defines hotel with spa room cincinnati price gouging as increases of 10 percent or more during a state of emergency and for a 30-day period afterward. It says that retailers hotel with spa room cincinnati can legally bump prices hotel with spa room cincinnati by 10 percent or more if they reflect additional costs to the seller. That higher price, though, can't be more than 10 percent of the markup from cost compared with the price prior to the state of emergency. Gov. Chris Christie declared a state of emergency on Oct. 27.
4:05 a.m.: There was an hour-long line at the Sunoco on Route 3 West in Clifton, but the owner says they are almost out so if you are reading this, it is probably too late. There is also at least a one-half hotel with spa room cincinnati hour wait at the Hess on McCarter Highway in Newark.
It wasn t easy to keep things hotel with spa room cincinnati moving at the Quality Service Center. The gas station s owner, Jack Pekarchik, and his friend Robert Palagonia, the owner of Amber Construction, put gas in some of Palagonia s trucks. Without power, they had to run pumps directly out of the subterranean gas well, powering them with car batteries, the Huffington Post said.
1:05 a.m. A bit of good news in case you missed it: Gov. Chris Christie on Wednesday issued a waiver allowing gas station hotel with spa room cincinnati s and other fuel merchants to purchase out-of-state gas and diesel for New Jersey customers. Normally, merchants not licensed to import fuel cannot legally buy it from other states.
The governor said in a statement that supplies of gasoline and diesel fuels are running short across the East Coast as major pipelines and refineries shut down during the hurricane. Power outages and other damage are delaying restarting fuel production.
11:35 p.m.: From Star-Ledger hotel with spa room cincinnati staff reporter Anthony Venutolo — The Parsippany hotel with spa room cincinnati Wawa has gas but be prepared to wait. The line was easily a mile long and snaked from 280 East to Bloomfield Avenue. Needless to say, I didn t wait and chance them running out.
Thank you for your call today regarding our efforts throughout hotel with spa room cincinnati the region to reopen hotel with spa room cincinnati and restock hotel with spa room cincinnati stores. We currently have more than 517 stores open and serving the community. We have 85 stores closed or without power. Once power is restored, our teams will move quickly to restock and open the stores to serve the community.
We continue to work closely with emergency responders, shelters and the American Red Cross throughout our operating area to provide as much assistance as possible by providing product, supplies and support.
Our associates and supply teams remain focused on helping our communities and our first responders get through the impact of this storm. We will continue to do everything we can to help our communities recover from the impact hotel with spa room cincinnati of Sandy on our region.
I ve included a picture from our Parsippany, NJ store today; an area with widespread power outages. Wawa is there for our friends and neighbors. As you can see, people are lined up for fuel generators. In addition to Parsippany and Woodbridge in the more Northern Market, the following fuel stores are open in the Central/Northern market:
Many are open closer to the Philadelphia area. As we continue to reopen stores, we will maintain a list of stores still impacted on our website. This link will take you to a list of stores that are currently closed due to power outages:
I m told by store associates who are at the stores, that despite hotel with spa room cincinnati the lines, the community is relieved and glad to be able to obtain their essential items. Our hearts go out to everyone who is dealing with the challenges and impact hotel with spa room cincinnati of recovering from this storm. We remain committed to helping people through this process, in any way that we can.
Says Enrique Lavin of the Star-Ledger: About 4:30 p.m., the Shell station on Westfield Ave. West (Route 28) just before the GSP entrance (Exit 137) had it lights hotel with spa room cincinnati on but the attendants said No gas. No ice. When asked when they d get gas: Don t know.
On Route 22 from the GSP exit to Route 21 in Newark, not one gas station was open. I saw on the westbound side: BP, Getty and Express Fuel; and the Gulf station headed eastboud. All of them had cones in front or were visibly closed.
5:54 via Twitter: Says Kyle Leach of The Star-Ledger: Exxon mobile in Morristown. Route 202 and MacCulloch hotel with spa room cincinnati Avenue ran out at approx 3 p.m. this afternoon. Police said it was last place in Morristown with gas. Owner told me he might not get another shipment for a week.
5:15: Via Amy Brittain of The Star-Ledger: Says a spokesman from Phillips 66 about the Linden refinery: Right now, that refinery is shut down, said Rich Johnson, a spokesman for Phillips 66. We got power back earlier this morning. We re in the process of accessing the refinery, looking at the condition of the equipment and determining what it s going to take to get the refinery operating again.
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