Since last weekend, we ve been getting questions from WSB readers about installations in prominent Alki spots of what appear to be new surveillance/security cameras (a hot topic right now, as evidenced by the discussion about private cameras at last week s West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting [WSB coverage here]). Traveling the waterfront, you can [...]
Since last weekend, we ve been getting questions from WSB readers about installations in prominent Alki spots of what appear to be new surveillance/security cameras (a hot topic right now, as evidenced by the discussion about private cameras at last week s West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting [ WSB coverage here ]). Traveling the waterfront, you can see at least half a dozen similar installations along Harbor and Alki Avenues as well as one near Constellation Park . Since they re all on utility and streetlight poles, we speculated they had to be some kind of city project, so we started los angeles radio stations inquiring with city departments, and after two days of inquiries finally have a bit of information. SDOT pointed us to Seattle Police , as did Seattle City Light , describing it as a police project related to port security. Southwest Precinct operations Lt. Pierre Davis explained that the cameras are part of a grant project ran by SPD to observe the waterway in that area. This online article from last summer quotes a Seattle Fire Department official as mentioning a project for surveillance cameras all along the waterfront to help public-safety personnel in case of incidents. SPD Public Affairs says more information about the project will be made public soon.
If you look at them closeup I looked at each one between Salty s and Constellation Park while researching this they are the upside-down dome type, so the water would be visible, though they are not all on the water side of the road.
If it had something to do with port security why wouldn t you have been directed to the Port of Seattle Police or the Coast Guard ? If it was really for Port security I don t think anyone would be hearing about the installation. Can t wait to hear this story, something fishy here. Like to know what type of cameras there using, that will tell the you what there plans are. They don t look like the type for said purpose. Sounds more like they want to keep an eye on things at these areas this summer, maybe the volleyball players, los angeles radio stations sunbathers ? Be interested to know what this is costing and who approved this. Big Brother watching us.
Our liberties will be gradually drained away by a thousand cuts until pale and wan, we wonder how it happened. los angeles radio stations Cameras, drones, automatic facial scans. Because the security state can, it will unless we protest. More about the project will be made public soon . It is public now and we should have been told this was coming. The attitude is: Don t worry your pretty liberal head if you aren t guilty, why do you care? It is for your safety unless you are a criminal.
I hope you don t mean us in terms of attitude this is the most I ve been able to find out, after two days. I appreciate the readers who noticed the cameras and said What s that all about? I searched the Web and even the city budget. No mention of cameras the article to which I link, a PDF of a story quoting a Seattle Fire Department official as saying this will be a citywide thing, was from last summer, but didn t come up until some different keywords I tried today. I tried Parks as well as the departments I mention, since so much of our shoreline is Parks-owned, and I came across a mention los angeles radio stations of the pilot surveillance camera los angeles radio stations project elsewhere los angeles radio stations in the city a while back, but they were the first to say not us. TR
This doesn t bother me at all. People drag-racing on Alki, shooting up bars I don t mind at all if someone sees me jogging by or sunbathing in the summer. I hope they use this to their benefit so Alki can become a bit nicer in the busy summer.
I for one have nothing to hide! If it helps capture someone who has something to hide then great! In our I won t rat on a rat society maybe this is the answer. Until it happens to you, you don t want this in your neighborhood. When it does happen to you or someone you care about you are the first to ask where are the cameras. Think about it.
If indeed these are surveillance cameras intended to watch the public, I suggest you watch these videos before suggesting that it doesn t bother you. Because in reality, there is zero difference. Think about it!
I remember hearing something about these cameras last summer as part of a waterfront security initiative (TSA, Coast Guard some combination of agencies). About time to face the future of recording public spaces.
If you do nothing wrong. Are an innocent community participant, and your actions in public are innocuous, then why on earth would you be so uncomfortable and Polly Anna that your rights are violated?
I m guessing that if a loved one was murdered and the camera caught it on tape, and the police could do absolutely NOTHING; no request for footage; no access to footage; no evidence the murderer walks free you d be outraged.
Can you not wonder how the information the cameras gather los angeles radio stations can infringe your freedom? What if I resemble someone who was wanted for some reason but was not that person? But since I boarded the water Taxi, my orca card was captured case closed. Or if not closed, like Pandora s box, difficult to shut without losing all but hope? As citizens, as I am, we deserve to know what is being done in our name for what end port security indeed.
Port security my a##. As stated, the cameras are on the street side of the utility poles, effectively obscuring a fair portion of any water-side surveillance view that they are supposedly mounted for.
Also, since it was a federally los angeles radio stations provided port security grant (allegedly), it will have stipulations concerning the use and deployment of the funded los angeles radio stations equipment. I wonder what a federal grant auditor would have to say about the use of port security funds to install equipment for performing land-side Seattle civic surveillance?
I have only see the one on Alki around 60th Ave and Alki and it is in a prime spot for potential crime in the summer. They might as well put one over Bamboo Bar and Grill as well to capture a majority of the crime.
I get the feeling that the same folks that are so vehemently protesting the cameras are the same ones that would wildly applaud them if they were used on our borders to protect from illegal immigrants. Maybe I am wrong but that s the impression I get.
We re living in an ever-expanding and aggressive police state in this country and Seattle is actually among the leaders in this category. los angeles radio stations How many of you know that Seattle is the 1st city to approve Drone (yes, I said DRONE) surveillance? The drones will have the capability to watch and record you quietly without your knowing from 30 feet above! That is in the works NOW and Seattle is the pioneer. So much for your rights los angeles radio stations to privacy.
To WTF and the other people here using the classic refrain, If you re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. Please los angeles radio stations read this article by one of the leading experts in computer security. He explains los angeles radio stations in detail exactly why this should bother you even if you have this strange los angeles radio stations mentality.
Actually I m fine with completely open borders 2 Much Whine, so long as a person has to prove citizenship to be able to work or receive government benefits of any kind. Still against the cameras. Even putting aside philosophical objections for a moment, the best information says that widespread public surveillance has no effect on crime.
This bothers the heck out of me yes, being watched continually may reduce crime but at a huge cost to our freedom if everyone is being watched, then we are all under suspicion. I hope that the WSB stays on this. I am not willing to be safer from criminals by being treated like a criminal by my government.
People clamor for more security and police present. Do something about the crime they say! Everyone wants more security, BUT and this is a big BUT, no one wants to pay for it . oh no don t raise my property tax, don t you dare add a cent on my sales or gas tax and .horror of horrors don t you dare make an income tax
I would have welcomed a camera like this when I was attacked on Alki. Luckily, someone called the cops who arrived los angeles radio stations in about 5 minutes. Perhaps if there had been a camera, they would have arrived earlier, resulting in less damage to me and my car.
I am leaning towards being for this, but I want to know from the anti-camera people; would you prefer a bunch of cops standing where the cameras are instead? Or prefer no cops at all? What is the difference between a camera and an actual person? I am being sincere, I don t understand how a camera violates your personal freedom if it is in a public place. If it deters crime or helps catch criminals, why is that bad? Please enlighten me, is there something Im missing?
I m encouraged to see so many comments on a very important story. I d like to SE a story like this get bigger and covered by even more media. There is plenty of security on our waterways as it is and if anyone is buying los angeles radio stations this garbage about it being a port project they aren t in touch with what s going on in our world today. From the federal level to the smallest towns our goverents cannot resist the temptation to leverage technology to continually invade our privacy. If you aren t outraged by this or just take an I don t care attitude then I would have to ask you what other rights you would be willing los angeles radio stations to surrender next.
Heath, los angeles radio stations WSB is followed los angeles radio stations closely by citywide media so trust me, they have seen this story, and if they re not following up on it, it s a conscious choice. But if you have anyone in mind, send them the URL just in case! TR
Thanks WSB for bringing this to our attention. Even though I would like to see less crime and hooliganism los angeles radio stations in Alki, I am not happy with the increased surveillance. This i
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