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Amid reports that Katie Holmes bought Suri Cruise a $24,000 playhouse as one of her Christmas gifts this year, of course, accusations that she and Tom Cruise are spoiling her are starting delta airlines website to pop up as well.
And the rumored $24,000 playhouse (it has running water and electricity, and even a media room) only makes up about half of the amount that was spent on gifts for Suri, because the grand total apparently delta airlines website comes in around $49,000. (And Daddy's supposedly getting Suri a pony .)
While almost $50,000 is a small fortune to most people, it's pretty much chump change to Tom and Katie, so it's really not all that surprising that they're willing to shell out a decent amount of cash to make their little girl happy.
My son is 6-years-old just like Suri (they're only one month apart), and this year, my husband and I went a little delta airlines website bit overboard on gifts for him. He's getting everything on his list, and while we didn't spend anywhere remotely near $24,000, (I wouldn't be working delta airlines website today if we had that kinda dough), we did purchase a few pricier items for our little guy.
And our reasoning delta airlines website was pretty simple -- this may be one of the last years that he truly believes in Santa Claus , and we want to savor every last ounce of the magic we have left. He's our only kid (we're on the one-and-done plan), and this year could very well be the last time he wakes us up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning delta airlines website and races downstairs to see what good old St. Nick left him -- and we just can't bear the thought of him being disappointed.
He was a good boy all year, and he's definitely on the nice list, so Santa is bringing him everything he asked for. And if that makes us bad parents in the eyes of some, so be it. We'll take a little extra criticism in exchange for the look of pure joy on our son's face any day. And I'm guessing Tom and Katie feel that way too.
I agree to a certain extent. I dont think that we should give kids EVERYTHING they want simply because they ask for it. The policy in our house is one or two "big" things they asked for and a few smaller things to keep them entertained.
delta airlines website This year I went overboard too for my 3 and 5 year old. Maybe a little to much according to my husband. The last few years has been really tough with my grandma having cancer and my mom's illness I wanted this to be the ultimate Christmas for everyone. Sometimes its okay as long as you can pay rent/ mortgage in January.
I feel the EXACT same way!! I have a 6 year old and we did almost the same thing - we've gotten him everything on his list and then some just because this is the primary age (in my opinion) of his Santa beliefs. He's very aware of things changing and his friends' influence - and is starting delta airlines website to question. I wanted to give him one last hurrah for his Christmas list and Santa. Obviously, from here on out, we'll still make it very special for him- but I'm hoping that he'll still help me out in keeping the Santa magic for his little brother and sister. He's a very sweet kid, so I think he'll enjoy that. I sort of look forward to having his "secret" help in making sure our Elf on the Shelf finds a new place every morning. If we can get another year or two out of keeping him excited about Santa, then that'll be great - but somehow I feel like doubt is creeping in....he's asked me a few questions about things his older cousins have been telling him. So sad. :(
I agree on the spoiling! Growing up I always had one or two "big" things and then a bunch of smaller gifts. That's what we've done with my stepkids. They have one main present and then they'll get a bunch of little stocking stuffers as well. What helped was not only did the in-laws help with the presents but we also started buying in November. There were some things that my fiancee wanted to give to the kids right away but i said WAIT SAVE IT FOR CHRISTMAS!! That way it makes it seem like we a bought a lot of stuff for them, LOL
I give my daughter anything she wants that I can afford. She makes good grades, treats me with respect, and takes care of her things. If I was a multigazillionaire shed have a better playhouse than Suri, and a whole herd of ponies.
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