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Isabella world cruising Cruise and boyfriend Eddie Frencher world cruising have proved that true love is even stronger than the iron-clad ties of the Church Of Scientology. Last August, Frencher joined the controversial church's elite clerical order, Sea Org, which requires a billion year contract. However, Scientology expert and former Village Voice Editor in Chief Tony Ortega is reporting that a "billion years" turned out to be just five months as the Los Angeles-based musician world cruising has already left. Tom Cruise's 20-year-old daughter began dating Eddie a year ago, but when he joined world cruising the strict sect, officials reportedly told Ortega that Isabella had been ordered to either join herself or end the relationship. There was speculation initially that Isabella would follow in Eddie's footsteps and sign up herself, but her father's reps released a statement, saying: "Isabella is not a public figure and deserves privacy. However, she is not joining the church's religious order." Both of the lovebirds grew up in Scientology, where the pressure to join Sea Org begins at an early age and young members are taught that no one has more dedication or deserves more respect that its officers, who work long hours for very low pay and live under spartan conditions with little privacy, according to former members. According to Ortega, Isabella and Eddie celebrated world cruising their romantic reunion by posting world cruising photos of themselves on their private Facebook pages, and a Frencher family member reportedly confirmed world cruising to one of the journalist's informants that Eddie had indeed left the religious order to be with Isabella, and that he and Isabella are engaged to be married. world cruising Sea Org was first created by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in the late 1960s in order to staff his small armada world cruising of ships that sailed the Mediterranean and Atlantic, and he ran it from the helm of his flagship, the Apollo. The super-secretive 'higher order' has been grounded since 1975, but the uniforms and naval ranks remain. 1 2
distant_lines 25th-Jan-2013 04:12 pm (UTC) I wish she would. Nicole should lure her to TN on the basis of really getting to know her sisters, and then just show her how life can be without Scientology.
shangri__la 25th-Jan-2013 04:25 pm (UTC) I always got the impression Bella wasn't as into Scientology as her brother was, but who knows. I wish she would just go, her dad and brother are lost causes at this point.
buffy_usa 25th-Jan-2013 07:44 pm (UTC) i don't understand this if tom were the terrible (insert noun here) she would've joined sea dog out of requirement but she's dating a black dude and doing her own thing i wish people would break tom free from scientology but it seems like he's distanced himself world cruising more than once and maybe eventually he'll leave altogether there's never been any indication that he's a bad parent, way harsh
meggiebooboo 25th-Jan-2013 04:21 pm (UTC) Connor's already drunk the kool-aid. Hasn't seen Nicole since she married Keith and doesn't even consider Sunday Rose and Faith to be his sisters. Bella's got a chance. She didn't go to Sea Org.
buffy_usa 25th-Jan-2013 07:47 pm (UTC) i wish they would all leave but i think the tell all would be nothing more than - why did anybody and everybody throw shade at our dad he was not nearly the horrible person people make him out to be i swear i just don't get why ontd hates him so much. for people who profess diversity, the bullying world cruising of this guy because he got caught up in a cult is remarkable world cruising someone should break tom free from cult, not hate on him, he seems otherwise mainly harmless in comparison to a whole boatload of other celebs who've done way worse but get way less hate
sadisticsidhe 25th-Jan-2013 04:25 pm (UTC) They can only stand a certain amount of crazy? world cruising Or they are too rich and valued to be in the Sea Org because world cruising if shit goes down they have a huge outlet to share their story? idrk
anchors_oceans 25th-Jan-2013 04:27 pm (UTC) that makes sense. like that guy that worked for the church but left and worked with BBC on that documentary. he was still a scientologist but he didn't approve of the way the church was doing things so he left that CHURCH but he was still a practicing scientologist.
shamrocka01 25th-Jan-2013 04:16 pm (UTC) I know it's too much to hope for, but a scientology tell-all by her or one of the other cruise kids would be insane. has anyone read Going Clear yet? just started it.
meggiebooboo 25th-Jan-2013 04:28 pm (UTC) I'm not sure. I think she's still a Scientologist but neither one of them are going to be part of the Church's Religious Order. He goes to Sea Org. She refuses. They say you can't be with her b/c she turned us down. He then decided to leave after a period of time so he could be with her.
anchors_oceans 25th-Jan-2013 04:25 pm (UTC) "billion year contract" still kills me. also i didn't understand like 85% of this article. it started about the boyfriend, then bella, then the boyfriend... whatever. scientology is scary stuff.
meggiebooboo I think it s basically... — 25th-Jan-2013 04:29 pm (UTC) He goes to Sea Org. She refuses. They say you can't be with her b/c she turned world cruising us down. He then decided to leave after a period of time so he could be with her.
shamrocka01 25th-Jan-2013 04:54 pm (UTC) it's a bit difficult when they grow up in a religion that encourages them not to, and discourages them from talking to nonbelievers. add to that the fact that Dad is basically scientology's mascot and they live an incredibly sheltered life, and yeah idk about their chances...
buffy_usa 25th-Jan-2013 07:51 pm (UTC) maybe it's possible they can all think for themselves if only someone somewhere could break tom free as well because he seems decent enough just caught in a cult himself eg victim not perpetrator
emofordino 25th-Jan-2013 11:54 pm (UTC) yeah my ex-bf's family was pentecostal christian and hated that i'm technically catholic (although i'm agnostic, world cruising but my dad is catholic and i was baptized and whatnot) she was constantly inviting me to go to church with them and even asked if i was willing to be saved. between my ex's craziness and his family's super-religiosity, i cut that cord SO QUICK.
lizrocks Here for this post! — 25th-Jan-2013 04:32 pm (UTC) And she has ox blood doc martens! I had those in High School. 3 Edit: It should be pointed out that I went to high school in the 90s when her grunge look was in style. Edited world cruising at 2013-01-25 04:35 pm (UTC)
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