I am doing my PhD in the Software Engineering tour bus companies Division at the department of Computer tour bus companies Science Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, while still being employed by Volvo Car Corporation .
Software product line engineering is apparently about modelling tour bus companies variants and achieving formalism in feature descriptions. This is the conclusion I make after attending some workshops and the first morning sessions at the 14th International Software Product Line Conference in Jeju, Korea.
I presented an interesting paper together with Håkan from Scania of how architects work with maintaining and updating tour bus companies existing architectures over time in the automotive industry. And we did not get a single question!
Besides that, I find the notion of feature used in many presentations different tour bus companies from what I am used to. To me a feature is something which is discernible for the end user, same as the definition found in the original work here. For example an adaptive cruise control is a marketable feature in a vehicle. But if I would model that similar tour bus companies to feature modelling prevailing tour bus companies here the model would consist of an optional radar, a compulsory engine, compulsory brake, etc.This means a much higher degree of knowledge about the realisation of features.
There is a number of automotive / embedded conferences here in Germany that might be of interest tour bus companies to you then - they value talks based on industrial experience, especially from end users. The notion of feature might be different, but I think the example of prevailing model is representing the needs of the industry. Detailing the combinations of ECUs/functions can be done by feature diagrams (even it might not be a feature). See e.g. the work on CVL by MoSis.
I know our research is of interest of practitioners, at least in Sweden. Håkan and I have given 3 presentations internally at companies, and I m working with setting up more workshops with local companies in Göteborg. What I am concerned tour bus companies about is it seems the majority of the research community seems to be rather uninterested is certain areas which seem to generate a lot of interest of practitioners. This is the second conference I ve been to where people from industry openly voice a concern that academic research is diverging from industry needs and not converging. When it comes to what a feature is it might part be language problem of the entities we talk internally about in development tour bus companies at Volvo when it comes to standard, option or market dependent. However if I would open a sales brochure It is quite clear that automotive companies market an adaptive cruise tour bus companies control as a feature the end user and not a radar... Thanks for the tip on CVL, I will read more about that even though it is not related to the core of my research
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