Since the early days of lotto people have played because of that 'what if'. What if you won? Well now with the Powerball getting higher and higher every day it has us thinking about that question more. What if I won $100 million? What would I do? There are plenty of crazy and fun things you can do if you won $100 million.
Instead of investing into stocks or bonds, why not invest your money into opening a Rita's Italian Ice franchise. For an estimated total of up to $287,000 you ca n be your own boss and eventually make money without even having to be there! After paying the franchise fee of as much of $25,000 you're ready to go. Rita's Italian Ice requires that you have a new worth of at least $250,000 and $75,000 in liquid cash available which will be no problem since you just won $100 million!
Anyone can own a luxury car or pay for limo/town car, but not everybody can say they own a helicopter. For as low as $250,000 you can own your very own helicopter. The Robinson R-22, considered one of the world's most economical helicopters, has extremely low operating cost and is great for the new flyers. If you are the kind of person who is looking for something a little more flashy the Eurocopter EC120 Colibri Hummingbird might be more your style. For $1,700,000 get this helicopter that seats up to 5 people! That's something the entire family will enjoy. Related Posts Powerball is $200 Million! This Week in the Lottery Using Tarot Cards for Lotto Filed Under: featured banners , Lotto Tweet Speak Your Mind Cancel reply
I could use enough money to buy the judicial system to get my hter away from her child molesting father. She will be 13 on Feb 16th. I haven t seen her in 7.5 yrs. I would get us the counseling we need. Also, I so want my parents to still be around to be a part of hr r life. I would move us all away from here. I have many health issues that have manifested because of situation cant afford medical care or medications. I ve been so down I ve just wanted to die, but I want to see my daughter again. I would definitely help my church some other charities american airlines ticket reservations because I ve been having to depend on assistance to keep my home electricity. Would use wisely to help my family others. My mom has never had a new car. I would just take us all away from LaGrange. To sunshine warm climate I wanna go to a Nascar race in person to see Dale Esrnhardt Earnhardt Jr. Race!!!! Reply Shelly Bennett says: January 27, 2013 at 9:20 pm
Pay for all three of my boys college n buy a house so I can have my three boys live with me cause my apartment is being foreclosed on n I dont have no money to move so I could really use this money but I always feel like I have bad luck no matter how hard I try Reply Kayleen Considine says: January 27, 2013 at 7:34 pm
Pay off school loans and the little bit of debt that I do have. After that I would buy my mom a house and someone to be her caretaker because her current caretaker does not take care of much. Then I would make sure to buy my own little home and help my boyfriend get custody of his son. Reply Margaret american airlines ticket reservations Zuelke says: January 27, 2013 at 7:35 am
I would catch up on my bills and then move closer to my youngest daughters. Then would get my sister and her three kids, and my three youngest daughters (who she adopted) american airlines ticket reservations out of the house they are stuck in (and have had four floods), and buy them a bigger house where they don t have to worry about floods. I would buy myself and all drivers in my family, and my friends, all who are in need, each a vehicle of their choice. I would buy my second oldest daughter a ranch with horses. I would open a savings account for all of my daughters. I would donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation as a tribute to my mom, who died due to complications after a lumpectomy. Then I would put the rest in a savings account and just see what comes up. Reply Barb Boyd says: January 27, 2013 at 7:33 am
If I won $100 million I would help my grown kids each have their own homes, give some money to good charities, improve our home here in the USA, have a family home in Panama (since we live in rainy and cold Washington), and have more pets because american airlines ticket reservations with additional money we could afford to care for more. Reply Elisa Bishop says: January 27, 2013 at 4:11 am
I would take care of myself of course then donate some money to the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff where I was given an education in biology. Reply Shawn Nickell says: January 27, 2013 at 2:00 am
I would purchase new equipment with warranties for the nursing home to make their lives a little bit better and to make the nurses and aides work go a little bit smoother. Reply Keno Moore says: January american airlines ticket reservations 26, 2013 at 9:54 pm
I would buy a house, give money to the ULF, invest a large chunk of the money and pay off my sisters mortgage also travel. I may buy something in the bahamas. Reply Katie Morrow Birch says: January 26, 2013 at 3:16 pm
I would help all of my friends and family, american airlines ticket reservations that s a given. american airlines ticket reservations I would also give money to my school district , which is struggling to get out of debt. Finally, I would set up a college fund for my children and all of my nieces and nephews. Reply Wendie Arsanis says: January 26, 2013 at 4:55 am
I would donate 50 million to transplant research american airlines ticket reservations so they could improve on them and 25 million to help the homeless and I would keep the rest for my family, all while its earning more money. For things like education, homes, american airlines ticket reservations business, bills ect. Reply Kris Brackett says: January 26, 2013 at 4:41 am
I would buy a beautiful home, my 8 yr old son wants an Aston Martin which will be 8 years before he could drive it. I would like a Black Camaro a Hummer and a long vacation in Greece. Reply Kari L. Judd says: January 26, 2013 at 1:22 am
I would pay off our home and other debts, put money in a trust for my kids, renovate the transitional homes for veteran in our community, donate to the local food banks, Red Cross, operation Home front and a few others. And treat my wife and kids to the vacation american airlines ticket reservations they deserve. Put the rest in the bank and continue to help the community as much as I can. Reply Melissa american airlines ticket reservations Rimes says: January 25, 2013 at 9:58 pm
First I would pay off all my parents american airlines ticket reservations debts and my brother. Donate a alot of money to shelters for animals, then I would buy a house in NY and California so I could do both coasts. Reply Sue King says: January 25, 2013 at 6:57 pm
We d pay off debt first. Have a new home built on land we have up north so we can retire there and then invest money for our 5 grandkids towards american airlines ticket reservations collage. We d also invest for our future. american airlines ticket reservations The one fun thing we d do is go to New Zealand because our son, daughter in-law, 4 and 2 yr old grandkids moved there Nov. 2011 after living by us since they were born. We went from having them at our house 5 to 7 days a week to skyping 1x a week. We d rent a 4 bedroom home either on the ocean or with a pool and spend 3 weeks just enjoying our family. We are so close to our daughter in-law and grandkids that it ripped our hearts out when they left. Reply Lisa Greer says: January 25, 2013 at 6:24 pm
I would finally be able to live like a Normal productive citizen. Also because of all I am going through, I know what it feels like and would love to take that all away for families in need. I would like to start programs that allow people to move in to clean and safe homes, taht eventually they can own. I would like to start a program were low income families can save money and I will try and match or give a percentage to every dollar added to the account. american airlines ticket reservations That way in a few years if you have kids going to school or getting american airlines ticket reservations a new license, there s money saved for that. I know what it is to disappoint a kid that tries. I have so many wonderful ideas that I can do with money that I am blessed with and that when I die, I can t take it with me. I want to start a program were low income families can receive funding from me to have medical insurance for your pet, food vouchers, and if needed kennel service when u go on vacation or if it happens shelter your animal if you are evicted. american airlines ticket reservations Keep the animal until you find an animal freindly home or find a brand new home with visitation rights for your pet. The United States is getting harder to live in and there s rich people in this country that can do more than they do. They are drowining in an ungodly amount of money and do the minimum. A great man that I was blessed to me and honored told me this Cynthia, I make an Un-Godly amount american airlines ticket reservations of money, what I have access to is surreal, I make close to 30mil a year and there is a secret to my success, and I ll tell it to the world, american airlines ticket reservations the reason I make 30mil a year and continue to grow is because I give about 1/2 of that back every year. God blesses me, because I bless others , G. Stillwell. I would love to be able to do those things, I would have found my purpose in life and because I fear death, I will no longer fear because My blessings will live forever! Of course first thing is getting my life staright and my kids situated, then I start my, let s say, Empire of Thanks! That would be the biggest thanks I could give for receiving such a gift. That s what I would do if I won $100,000,000.00. Reply Katherine Caroselli Houston says: January 25, 2013 at 12:13 pm
I would pay off all of my bills, my children s bills, do some very needed work on my house, and help my two grandchildren that are in college now. I would also pay for my future funeral expenses and other matters like that so my children will never have to deal with all of it. I am alone and do not wish to leave any problems for my children. american airlines ticket reservations I would also try to add some money to an endowment fund that is at a college in my parents names. If any is left after that, I will put it into an account american airlines ticket reservations to live on for the rest of my life. Reply Connie Campbell says: January 25, 2013 at 4:43 am
I would give it to fairytail Endings animal rescue american airlines ticket reservations that helps pay for disabled people with little income for vet bills since my dog elmo is having surgery that they ar
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