Staff Protest Over Hand Scanning Time-Keeping traveling | Bernews.com Thursday, January 31, 2013 Sunrise 7:13 am Sunset 5:52 pm Home Advertise Contact traveling Us About Legal Comment traveling Guidelines Bermudian Profiles Subscribe Sign Up For Daily Emails RSS Category Feeds Breaking News Text Alerts Bernews Twitter Bernews Facebook Bernews FriendFeed traveling Videos Bernews Flights Bernews Weather Election traveling 2012 All Business Banks Technology Re/insurance traveling Business Executives Crime Court Reports Drunk Driving Firearm Incidents Entertainment Art/Artists Books/Authors Films/Movies Music/Singers Style/Beauty Theatre/Actors Environment Turtles Solar Energy Flowers Plants Keep Bermuda Beautiful History Historical Videos News Award Winners traveling Accidents/Fires Health Real Estate Politics Tourism Weather Election 2012 Sports All Sports Sub-Categories Photos Accidents/Fires Beauty/Fashion Cars/Bikes Community Marine Most Popular Parades Politics traveling Sports Videos View All Videos In Gallery Staff Protest Over Hand Scanning Time-Keeping January 29, 2013 | 79 Comments
A BELCO spokesperson said: The Electricity Supply Trade Union [ESTU] held a meeting beginning at 8 a.m. this morning in the Company traveling headquarters car park involving both Bermuda Gas and BELCO employees.
At issue is the ESTU's objection to Bermuda Gas' implementation of a biometrics hand scanning time-keeping system. The system was implemented at the end of December for all employees, traveling union and management. The benefit of this new system is that it integrates with the payroll system, thereby providing greater efficiency.
The ESTU opposes the use of biometrics. Following a meeting between traveling the ESTU executive and management this morning, the two sides agreed to suspend the biometrics system and discuss a new method moving forward. All employees returned to work at 10 a.m. Related traveling Posts Promotions Announced at BELCO ACE Reports Q4 Operating Income Of $492M Ascendant Group Limited Management Changes BELCO s Income Down, Rate Increase Declined Energy Efficient System s Local Launch BELCO Seeks Approval: Rate Increase Read More About: BELCO , Bermuda business Category : All , Business , News Comments (79) Trackback URL | Comments RSS Feed jt says: January 29, 2013 at 11:14 am
So you don t like the fact you will only get paid when and if you turn up???? If I was management I d have just sacked those who protested as they obviously have something to hide! Nothing to hide?? traveling Then turn up and use whatever system the Management wants to make sure that staff are being paid for the hours they work! Reply frank says: January 29, 2013 at 2:08 pm
listen fool these are human people now has the right to inject some object into your body this is not star wars next they will scan you in and out when you take a whizzz stop it now just use a swip card like every one else thanks workers for stopping it now power to the people Reply Fed up says: January 29, 2013 at 2:37 pm
Biometrics is an ethical minefield and is considered by many to be a threat to privacy and individuals ability to maintain the security of their identities. I have been there and it is a HIGHLY traveling QUESTIONABLE security practice. An opponent once told me, A driver s license or password is evidence of your identity. A fingerprint or hand print IS your identity. Reply InquiringMindsWannaKnow says: January 29, 2013 at 12:45 pm
Agreed! There has got to be an effective alternative for simple time-keeping than a private company databasing the hand/fingerprints of all of it s employees Sounds like a can of worms to me! Reply cant fool me says: January 29, 2013 at 1:13 pm
If half the people who come on here to crack jokes picked up articles and READ them they would KNOW this MACHINE is a THREAT to SOCIETY!! Further more HOW much did this damn MACHINE cost?? This is part of the REASONS are bills are INCREASING to PAY for BS such as this!!
I d like to see your FACES once you do BERMUDA is CHANGING at a RAPID pace and many of the ill-informed ones will be left SCRATCHING their heads WONDERING WTFH when you no longer have the FREEDOMS you ONCE took for GRANTED! For GODS SAKE WAKE the hell up!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply R@s cl@d says: January 29, 2013 at 9:56 pm
You can fake a driver s license of give someone your password. You can t do either to your fingerprint. Before you say it, most biometrics systems check for a pulse, so cutting off the finger won t work Reply Raised Eyes says: January 29, 2013 at 2:16 pm
It took them nearly a month to protest? -sigh- I guess that means they were happy with it until someone was unable to get the pay for when they said they showed up for work but the biometrics determined they really hadn t. Reply trfm says: January 29, 2013 at 11:37 am
So you are having a little melt down because you don t want this scanner because YOU DON T DO NOTHING. The only way you would have a problem with it is if you are note doing what your supposed to be doing Typical Bermudian work ethic Late to work early to leave long lunch breaks sit off and charge it to the customer. Reply Dockyard Lackey says: January 29, 2013 at 11:38 am
In the ideal world we could introduce this to ALL GOVERNMENT Departments. That might be a cost saving measure and ensure more work for the taxpayer s buck. No, wait. That would require some form of supervision. Not happening! Reply Justine says: January 29, 2013 at 12:08 pm
Why should a new method be discussed??? if they don t like this new system, traveling then these workers(?) should be prepared to give up their cell phones and rely on land lines; give up their Ipads and every other technological advance oh no. Reply Joonya says: January 29, 2013 at 11:48 am
It is so amazing how stupid some people think,because here it is people want to critize B.E.L.C.O traveling but as soon as your lights go out you want them,or if there is a major hurricane and it looks like you are going to be out for weeks without power,B.E.L.C.O becomes your saviour.
B.E.L.C.O employees have every right to be up in arms about this new system and I say this not based on all the comments above.this is a move that is no different from the mark of the beast and falling into a system that is bigger then the picture being painted here.
There has to be another way to be held accountable then to be using these new methods of scanning body parts,the mark of the beast is real and we dont need to be a part of it for as long as we can stay away from it. Reply DarkSideofTheMoon says: January 29, 2013 at 12:17 pm
The mark of the beast is real This is actually quite scary. Scary in that we have people deemed sane (i.e. who live and work amongst us) that think such completely and utterly ridiculous things are real. The mark of the beast? STFU! You need to be sent to MAWI because you really have a screw loose. Religion is a farce people deal with it! Reply Free Thinker says: January 29, 2013 at 11:56 am
What possible grounds for objection could the union have. These poor excuse for union leadership, that we have these days, does more to harm the economy than aid in workers traveling rights. They just prove my point, more and more, that they are obsolete and serve no useful purpose. This is beyond the bizarre. Reply Serious though says: January 29, 2013 at 12:00 pm
Combine that with the lost productivity, extra overtime costs occurred traveling when covering workload, and the order value of the contracts lost due to delays in delivery, and you can clearly see how just a few minutes lateness can really affect your bottom line. Reply Ann says: January 29, 2013 at 12:16 pm
I think you have to look at it a bit deeper. If they come in to work 10mins late but they stay work for an extra 30mins are they still deducted the 10mins worth of pay that they came late. Reply Yng Black Mind says: January 29, 2013 at 12:04 pm
I agree with you. It seem s that many are brainwashed to the fact that anytime an issue comes up, automatically it s the workers fault.I see this every time I come on Bernews when there is a dispute. Everybody slams the worker before traveling knowing the facts. People act like business owners somehow live to a high standard traveling than others. The funny thing about this, is that if people do the research, you would see business owners are just as shistey as anyone else. Reply Verbal Kint says: January 29, 2013 at 1:11 pm
I agree with you both. When the people who are all for this have to give a fingerprint to go to work, they will feel differently. Before someone says, You have to give a fingerprint for some jobs. the answer to that argument is you have the option to give your fingerprint to get employment. This was done retroactively without consultation. It s bad business and there are other means to identify people. Despite the common argument, this is usually done to cut employer costs. Reply Seriously? says: January 31, 2013 at 1:55 pm
you can bet if my company chose to use bio-metrics I would ARRIVE on time everyday and you can bet I would LEAVE on time everyday too. Currently I work approximately 2 to 3 hours overtime nightly without traveling compensation. Reply DreamCatcher says: January 29, 2013 at 12:59 pm
I agree whole heartedly with you. Ascendant just approved to follow the template of the Banks and Telecoms to benefit from 60/40 ownership exemption and this ignorance starts. I hope this isn t to cut jobs which has happened in prior cases. Next thing emails will be monitored for abuse .
A key card should be sufficient or GPS on vehicles. traveling Or randomly call employees. Have them log in somewhere instead. Should traveling not a manager held responsible for managing their team members inclusive traveling of time keeping?
I don t like how Bermudian s knock each other down often. These people work in a place that has a drug free policy and k
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