Although elevator accidents are rare, building owners and maintenance the sisterhood of the traveling pants companies the sisterhood of the traveling pants in New Jersey do risk putting the lives of guests, patrons and residents in danger when they fail to make necessary repairs or if they fail to safely make the repairs before allowing others to use a dangerous or broken machine.
This type of negligence could result in injury and death, but victims of elevator accidents or other types of accidents that could have been prevented on someone else's property may at least be able to seek some compensation and justice the sisterhood of the traveling pants for their injuries or loss by filing a premises liability lawsuit.
Last week on our Morristown personal injury law blog, we discussed the error an elevator maintenance the sisterhood of the traveling pants company made in New York in December that resulted in the death of a woman. the sisterhood of the traveling pants While it is not known if her family will consider taking legal action in order to make sure that the maintenance company never makes the same fatal mistake again, it was reported that a Sussex County resident recently won a settlement after he was injured in a similar elevator accident in Morristown several years ago.
On August 19, 2005, the man was taking the elevator to leave the Headquarters Plaza Hotel in Morristown. But when taking the elevator, the machine's emergency braking system suddenly engaged when the elevator dropped the sisterhood of the traveling pants nearly three flights. The sudden stop jerked the man's body and he was thrown into an instrument the sisterhood of the traveling pants panel inside the elevator.
In the man's lawsuit, attorneys argued that the elevator was not in proper working order when the man used it, and because adequate maintenance was not performed, the elevator malfunctioned and caused the man to suffer undue pain and suffering.
After suffering injuries in the 2005 accident, it was reported last week that the man has finally won his lawsuit. A jury awarded the accident victim nearly $4 million in damages. Although the incident may have an effect on him for the rest of his life, the maintenance company and hotel owner may now understand why it is so important the sisterhood of the traveling pants to make necessary repairs in time before innocent victims suffer life-threatening or life-changing injuries.
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