I went with my parents and we met family friends on board. We chose this cruise for several reasons. It left from San Francisco 30 minutes from where we live. Three of the four ports of call were in the US meaning the ADA applied to shore excursions. My mother has always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise.
Months ago I contacted Princess Cruises stating I planned guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield to bring my service dog and I have severe food allergies. The access office at Princess quickly got me a copy of their service dog policy which is reasonable. The policy says I am responsible guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield for my dogs actions, feeding my dog, and toileting him in the area provided. I needed to fax them what tasks my dog preforms, a health certificate and any other paperwork required by states/countries, and a signed service dog policy. This needed to be received at least 7 days before departure. They did lose it once so I would suggest getting it in early.
Four weeks before sailing I got a letter from the cruise line in legal speak. It essentially said they cannot tell what is in their food. They are not responsible for any reaction. I got very worried that I would not be able to eat on the ship but the customer guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield services supervisor assured me there would be something there for me to eat. I decided that I was not going for the food and packed a weeks worth of food in case.
Getting on the ship was easy. We took a shuttle. It dropped us off in front of the pier and our bags were immediately taken by a porter. I had requested wheelchair assistance which immediately appeared. We bypassed the lines at security. The screening guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield was a joke. They patted me down while I was in my wheelchair and never even looked at it or Sunny. In fact no one even asked about Sunny until we were on the ship. Then all they asked was if we had "papers" for the dog. They did not even want to see them.
We found the potty box all setup outside on deck 7. It was two 2.5 foot square boxes pushed together with plastic covered in mulch. It was adequate for the purpose. Sunny would have preferred a single box so there was no divider. This was a good place for us because it was covered but outside guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield and on the walking track where my father walked him for some off duty time. They offered to put it indoors for those who do not want to brave the Alaskan weather.
After that the first day went down hill fast. I will post a rant about it but to summarize our cabin smelled like someone used a whole can of air freshener in it. I have multiple chemical sensitivities guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield and could not go in the cabin. None of the other cabins smelled like this. We went down to the purser's desk while we were still in port. They promised to fix it so we stayed on the ship. That night I still could not go in the cabin so I slept on the couch in the atrium with Sunny.
Sunny did not take the situation well. He was on duty in public for 24 hours with few breaks. He decided guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield to protest by refusing to potty. In the 24 hours we did not have a cabin he dribbled a little once one command and refused after that. I think he was under the impression that if he did not potty I would have to get off the ship. He also started barking at people in uniforms especially the executive chef. I quickly stopped him so it was only one bark but it was not appropriate behavior. He has never done this before or after that night. Usually guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield he sees people in uniforms and gets all wiggly because they are allowed to pet him.
The second morning we were on our way to the potty box we met the First Purser Administrator. He got an ear full when he asked how our cruise was going. Within two hours we had a balcony state room that did not smell. We discovered we really guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield do need a balcony as fresh air comes in the balcony door. Twenty minutes after we got a cabin Sunny used the potty box. He never objected again.
The food was marvelous. I ate better than I ever have on vacation. Each night the head waiter came out with the next day's menu for me to choose. My diet is actually very easy if you cook things from scratch. Most nights I had plain chicken breast, rice, and streamed vegetables with a fruit plate and berries as appetizer and dessert. I could not eat at the buffet because most of that food came from a can but there was never a shortage of fresh fruit.
The ship was great. The ventilation system was excellent. There were only two rooms I could not go in, my original cabin and the theater (I think they shampooed the carpet). It is very clean as they spend all night washing, guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield vacuuming, and polishing everything.
If you are going to Alaskan I would suggest going before the second week of August when fall weather starts. We had bad weather for most of the trip. The first night there were 50 knot head winds and 30 foot seas. They closed the outside decks so even if Sunny had wanted to go we could not get to the potty box. About 10 pm we hit a big wave that resounded through the ship. I thought we had run aground or something. The next day the machine room on the front of deck 7 was swamped with 6 inches of water. The third day we had to divert to MedEvac someone off the ship. There were still rough seas and high winds so we had to divert to behind Vancouver Island. On the way back down the captain decided to go through the Inside guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield Passage instead of the Gulf of Alaska because of the weather.
We stopped in 3 Alaskan ports. Ketchikan was the first port of call. The weather guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield was miserable, cold, wet and windy. We went first to Totem Bight State Historical Park. It was a tourist trap. The tour guides each had their own story for the totem poles and clan house. These were actually built in the 1930's and 40's by the Civilian Conservation Corps to teach young people the art that was slowly dieing. It would have been beautiful in better weather. We spent most of the time sitting on a bench at the gift shop trying to dry out.
After the state park we went to the Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show. It was a little hokey but we had fun. The seating is under a roof and there is a back wall that cut out the wind. We were sitting on the Canadian team's side. We won!
Juneau was the best port. Unfortunately because of the number of cruise ships in port we had to tender. This means our ship anchored off shore and we took smaller boats into the dock. If you are unable to do steps you will not be able to tender. Wheelchairs and scooters would need to be light enough to be lifted on and off the boat.
Once we got on land my father guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield and I went on a 6 hour Deluxe Mendenhall Glacier Juneau Highlights bus tour. We were made to enter the bus last. They reserved the front two seats for us. Unfortunately these seats have the least leg room. Sunny had to back into the space just wide enough for his body. If he were a Labrador he would not have fit. This seat was good for wildlife viewing. I spotted a Bald Eagle flying across the road. The first stop was a garden made to show off the temperate rain forest to people with mobility problems. We walked a 1000 foot path through guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield the forest. Most of the flowers had gone by but it was still beautiful.
After that we went to Mendenhall Glacier in Tongass National Park. We saw salmon spawning in a stream, got pictures of the glacier and icebergs, a recently guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield uncovered waterfall, and some late blooming wild flowers. It is a good thing I saw this glacier now. It is estimated that the Mendenhall Glacier will recede guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield into the mountains in the next ten years.
We took the bus to a salmon hatchery. It was nothing spectacular. After the hatchery the bus driver gave us a tour of the government center. We saw the governor's house and the legislative buildings.
Our last stop in Juneau was the Alaskan Discovery Museum. There were many dioramas of native species. I could not stay inside guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield because guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield of chemicals so I investigated the gardens. Being near the coast the some of the flowers were still blooming that had gone by further inland. 15 minutes before we were scheduled to leave the power went out. The Museum had to be evacuated.
We returned to the ship. I had planned to go up the tram but with the power out that did not seem a good idea. 20 minutes after we got back on the ship the sun came out for the first time since we left San Francisco.
Icy Straits was a waist of time. There is a zip line and a welcome center with a few shops. I would not suggest taking a service dog to this island. The welcome center is the home of the community cat. The cat is not dog safe. It attacked Sunny. Our first attack. I will put details in another thread. I did not feel very welcome.
Our last port was Victoria, BC. I did not have public access guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield rights with Sunny. I could have ask but by then I was tired and did not really want to do much. We went for a walk along the waterfront to the legislative guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield building. This was the only port it did not rain at. It was beautiful.
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Service Dog Central provides information on laws and legal topics and is designed for informational guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield purposes only. You must understand that this site does not provide legal advice and is not intended as a substitute for legal advice from a qualified attorney. If you need legal advice, or if you need someone to tell you how the law applies to your particular case, you should seek advice from a qualified attorney.
guided tours of the gettysburg battlefield
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