If you spent time with the post below , then you probably have the taste of fame whore leche in your mouth, so rinse away that nastiness by breathing in the natural beauty of the earth goddess that is Shauna Sand . I mean, Shauna Sand is an elegant piece of parsley with fake chichis and exquisite taste in heels. If you've been looking for the perfect church ensemble that says, " I'm as pure as a drop of saliva off of a baby unicorn's tongue, " then take a page from the Empress of Lucite and steal a doily out of a pre-school craft closet and turn it into a dress. As soon as you sashay charming hotel spain through the church doors tomorrow, the entire congregation will turn away from the altar and worship at your feet instead.
charming hotel spain Here's the most gorgeous creature in every universe with her piece Laurent Homoburger (typo and it stays) charming hotel spain gracing Miami with their beauty the other day. You can't tell from these pictures, but every time Shauna Sand's heels touched the ground, a member of the preservation society declared that patch of concrete a historical site. And I used to think that sleeveless Ed Hardy t-shirts were the epitome of tacky, but that appreciator of beauty in the background is making me think otherwise. He obviously knows sophistication and is an authority on elegance if he's taking a picture of Shauna Sand. I will never doubt his taste.
Gotta love today's beauty standard: grab malnourished stripper with molten ape face, dye hair yellow or white, add fake tan floating devices: Miss Universe! Lets put that shit on television/in magazines/give it a record deal!
For all of you who provided links re Shana that showed "after" charming hotel spain shots, I thank you for the nightmares that I will surely suffer from tonight. REALLY, thanks for having the decency to not show the be*ver that is enough to make anyone, regardless charming hotel spain of orientation, never want to have sex again.
@ crazyinjapan: You are so right. My mom was a professional model in Sweden the 70's. She had me moisturizing at age 13. My dad got skin cancer when I was 15 and forbid me from sunbathing. The result is skin with no lines or wrinkles.
Poor Shana has destroyed her once beautiful face. And I seem to recall a picture of her kitty-cat. It ain't purty. Labia majora drooping 5". Shana, spend your money on plastic surgery that gives you a youthful, sweet kitty-cat and stay out of the sun and tanning salons!
Anyway: My gran is 80 and started getting grey (she's got black hair which usually gets grey at quite an early age) about 3 years ago - asking her about how she did it would result in: "Well, I don't know, maybe because charming hotel spain I smoked, maybe because I had short hair most of my life, maybe because I never dyed it, maybe because I only used the cheapest shampoo available, maybe because I went through war barefoot, maybe because I didn't go to school." You pick her secret.
I remember when he was on a show called "Hot or Not" and he had a laser pointer light thingy and would aim at at contestant's inner thighs or abdomens and say things like, "you'd be hot but I see a little bit of jiggle here, so you're not!" I always imagined him behaving like that with his own wives.
Another thing. People should be accepting of their flaws. Nobody is perfect, and there are some things that can't or shouldn't be changed. Got a big nose? Tell yourself that Roman noses are beautiful! Just look at Meryl Streep.
So "moisture moisture moisture charming hotel spain and the men will fight over you" is pretty naive unless crazyinjapan did all of that and can confirm that her advise is valid. That was were my question was coming from - got it?
That's not exactly what I said. I said take good care of yourself, be well-groomed, and be an interesting person, and you will be attractive. The moisturize, moisturize, moisturize statement comes from my grandmother. She was beautiful until the day she died. She didn't try to look like a 20-something, but strangers would come up to her and tell her how pretty she looked up into her 70s. When I was a kid, one of my little friends said, "Your grandma! She looks like a movie star!" I might be naive about a lot of things, but I've had so many boyfriends, fiance's (I don't know how to put an accent mark over the E, so I just used a quotation mark), and downright stalkers that I think I know a little about what is attractive. :)
The daughters are getting it from both ends, just look at their dad Lorenzo Lamas who only dates women with rock hard tits. Have you seen his FIFTH wife Shawna Craig? Hard to believe but her implants look even worse than Shauna's.
This whore* is a pathetic example of the LA wannabe woman; fake oversized bolt-on tits, plastic surgery on her face, dumbass stupid ankle tattoo, bleached blond hair. And, in her case, stripper shoes just so people will notice her. She's the punchline charming hotel spain to the joke "who's the stupidest dumbass LA wannabe whore*"...
Edit: Or better: It would be nice if you would explain how you caught me - it's always easy to insult someone without further explanation, and I could write a book answering you - but honestly, I don't want to. So maybe an essay (as I don't have better charming hotel spain things to do than answering a short spoken grumpy Brit):
To explain my stupidity: It's always easy to talk about what ageing people should and should not do when one isn't in the situation themselves. "Moisture moisture moisture" dosesn't make much sense when your skin is flapping charming hotel spain around as that is genetic - and that happens to everybody charming hotel spain from the age of 25 (Lady Gaga) to death. The age in which you start to notice it is in your mid to end 30s. All the stars you see have had the one or other treatment, charming hotel spain no matter how much they deny it - I bet a lot of them inject their own bodyfat, have botox and whatever, cause ageing fucking sucks.
So "moisture moisture moisture and the men will fight over you" is pretty naive unless crazyinjapan did all of that and can confirm that her advise is valid. That was were my question was coming from - got it?
okay, so she's a bit distorted and not the prettiest nor the brightest bulb that ever hit a socket but i'll tell you this, it's a lot better than looking at a frumpy soul shopping for cat food and books.
charming hotel spain Shauna is my closest friend, as some of you may know, and we chat daily. She is elegance personified and a lady with a capital "L". Did any of you know that she was once Head Nun in a convent? Do with that title what you will, but SS will be with us always, thank the good Lord in heaven. She could teach Lady Kate or Princess Kate, or whatever she's called now, a thing or two about understatement and class. But - Prince Wills didnt stand a chance with her! He's way too common charming hotel spain for her.
This whore* is a pathetic example of the LA wannabe charming hotel spain woman; fake oversized bolt-on tits, plastic surgery on her face, dumbass charming hotel spain stupid ankle tattoo, bleached blond hair. And, in her case, stripper shoes just so people will notice her. She's the punchline to the joke "who's the stupidest dumbass charming hotel spain LA wannabe whore*"...
Why do people do this to themselves? There must be some self-hatred going on. I hate this, I hate that, oh doctor fix me up! Cripes people, learn to love yourselves and moisturize, charming hotel spain moisturize, moisturize. Oh, and try to keep a steady healthy body weight. You can be hot 40+, just don't turn yourself into a zombie-looking whore with plastic surgery. Look into the mirror. Say I care about you. I will take good care of you. I will dress you flatteringly, and I will not wear too much makeup. I will not inject toxins into you. I will not mutilate charming hotel spain you. I will do interesting activities with you.
But seriously. It might just seem that way because these ARE the people getting attention. For every dizbomb like Shauna or Kim K, there are like 10 normal women who are being ignored because they don't have their freaky faces and misshapen charming hotel spain carved-up bodies out on display charming hotel spain and are working charming hotel spain and taking care of their families and going to school to better themselves and volunteering their time to help others. These freaks are not the norm. They're the sideshow.
Which should I use as my 56 sec ago Submitted by Twat Muffin charming hotel spain on 59 sec ago Sorry, DP. 1 min 56 sec ago OK Beyonce has reached the 2 min 7 sec ago is this in a attempt to be 2 min 15 sec ago I lost count. How many 2 min 59 sec ago The Machine, don t fall for 4 min 23 sec ago Submitted by Whamo on Thu, 4 min 31 sec ago I agree with Kunty Karl with 4 min 37 sec ago And Basic Instict MK! I 4 min 46 sec ago
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